Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday Half-Day Episode

It's nearly 3pm now..time passes so fast when its an off day...this morning, got up early...and what else to think of but food...? I guess its in my is always in my "hard disk" (brain) each morning...

Since today my 2nd precious was around too, both of us went out for breakfast, both of us only.... its a history event, according to it really? I really cannot recall... Anyway, we went to Hor Lok coffeeshop where they sell varieties of food, eastern and western plus some dim sum too....

(RM4.00 rice) (RM4.50 mee)

After our brunch, we went home and upon reaching, mum called me to take her to visit Sam Sook (3rd uncle)..Its been nearly a week since I last saw him.. so 3 of us went, taking along mum's speciality ie. barley, gingko and foo chook tong sui (syrup)... Delicious...

Sam Sook looks healthier nowadays though he said he lost nearly 10 kg..I think its 10 lbs.. maybe he has mistaken..he looks fine to me and this time he related the whole episode of his biospy done on him at the initial stage...I wont relate it is not a happy but a painful episode.. to all those who have undergone this, you are great a sense that you really have the strength and determination to fight whatever impurities in the body...Salute to you all...

After spending an hour or so there, we went home ... heavy dark clouds were looming over us.... Again and again, after visiting someone less heathier than me, I have this gratitude feeling, a thought of thankfulness to our Almighty... Though we cant avoid getting old and sick one day, while we still can, we should treasure our time doing meaningful things we love doing...Life is indeed very precious and it can be very fragile too.....


  1. Wah... RM4.50 for a bowl of mee in Ipoh. so expensive. Is it normal price or u add extra fishballs.

  2. yes..that is minced pork and the shoots..something... expensive nowadays ipoh food...par with KL..

  3. nowadays ipoh food are expensive. I had wan ton mee in bercham last friday night, it cost RM3.70 a packet.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...