Sunday, March 23, 2008

Victorious Day....

Today is the day we celebrate Jesus Christ's resurrection after the 3rd day being crucified on the cross....Jesus is alive, death has lost its victory and the grave has been denied...Jesus lives forever, He's alive....He's alive.... The curse of sin is broken and now we have perfect liberty...those who believe in Him will not cherish but will have everlasting life....Hallelujah....

These are real life pictures...spectacular in the beginning, then thrilling, terrifying and finally...





  1. wow..nice pics..indeed jesus has risen n he is living among us this day..jesus, son of the living god..victorious!

  2. yes..He is the Alpha and Omega..the first and last is He..
    yesterday church service was a presentation in songs and dancing.. they showed a bit of the Passion of Christ too..

  3. Claire,
    Is there a day we can remember when Jesus set us free from our sins? or was it the day he had to be nailed to a cross?

  4. When God sent His one and beloved son, Jesus Christ, that is the day we are set free from sin.. anyway, that is not so relevant..when we believe, when we accept Him..that is more important...

  5. i read the 'Last Passage of Christ' in last saturday's Star paper. I read it for very long and felt as though as i'm in the scene.It was touching to see that HE bear so much pain for us. It was just a small graphic article in the world section of the Star.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...