Thursday, April 17, 2008

Phua Chu Kang Best In Ipoh.....

The Church Council of Malaysia held a charity dinner in Sun Lee How Fook Restaurant last 2 weeks, ie on the 6/4/2008. It was around 7pm when we reached the restaurant...upon entering, there was already someone on stage rehearsing a song, his voice was so familiar and it was none other than Gurmit Singh aka Phua Chu Kang, the famous Singaporean actor.

Since there were not many people around then, I quickly took the opportunity to take a picture with him. Together with my friend, we approached him near the stage and mustered up our courage to talk to him. To my unexpected surprise, he doesnt look like what he act in the TV shows, the outspoken Phua Chu Kang is actually a humble, quiet and shy man.... he is so... down to earth...oh..he is so nice in fact...

Gurmit Singh is the guest star of the charity dinner, he is a Christian for many years now and he gave a fantastic testimony of his late mother who was stricken with cancer when he was 19 years old. He spoke fondly of his beloved mother, how she toiled hard, having 2 jobs to bring her kids up and at certain times, his voice shook as he related his mum's last wishes.... His mum's wish was to see him married and have kids...but he was only 19 that time, he didnt even have a girlfriend then.

His mum was in the last stage of stomach cancer when she became a Christian through his sisters. He was against Christianity during that time but somehow God touched his heart and he knelt down and prayed to God... to give his mum more time, to allow his mum to see him get married and have kids before she passed on...

At that moment of time, the doctor gave his mum 6 months to live....BUT........GOD GAVE HIS MUM ANOTHER 16 YEARS OF LIFE!!!! Isn't that amazing??? The doctor was baffled too and he told Gurmit that whatever Gurmit was doing then, he is doing it RIGHT!! The cancer cells have disappeared.... and his mum lived to see him get married and to hold her grandchildren....

Gurmit continued on .. he said the doctor's report is still with him as evidence but God's evidence is even much greater....Praise the Lord.... This is a wonderful testimony of God's great love for He said, Seek and you will find, Ask and it will be given....God gives His love for us all if only we seek and ask.....

phua chu kang, best in Ipoh


  1. wow! I didn't even see him since living in SG for s long and you guys manage to snap a pic with him! Yeap, he speaks superb english and a nice chap! Super famous over here in SG!

  2. haha..nice picture with him..indeed a great testimonial from him..wish i was there to listen n eat too..hehe

  3. yes he sings superbly too, esp that song.."when u say nothing at ALL"..he is so different when he is off stage and on stage.. on stage, he can make u laugh , off stage, he is like a quiet gentleman... i will upload the food later.. food is ok ok only.. not the expensive ma


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...