Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Food knows no Bounds...

JUST came back from Kuala Lumpur few hours ago...someone has commented I have left this blog since Saturday...yeah, I did ... went on Sunday, sent my sister off, back to her homebase in Sacramento.... life will be back to normal to the Tham family here in Ipoh...till we see each other again...

TOOK these pictures in Kepong, one of the coffeeshops...find the area a bit queeer, the road is so narrow and yet vehicles are allowed to pass.... not dangerous meh?? well...i guess where food is concerned, the dangers of being knocked or polluted is being written off in our minds!!!

these 2 ladies must be looking for food....

loe shu fun with minced pork etc etc...

curry mee ordered from the coffeeshop

dumplings (kok chai) with sengkuang fillings...
pulut rice with sambal (chillie paste)


  1. hmmm.... finally you are cousin sis..

    two comments:-

    - the food looks ordinary, how it tasted?
    - that's why i dun really like KL, too congested and dirty. Look at the people sitting desperately under the umbrellas at the side of the road to makan....

  2. hahaha.. wow.. really dangerous lo.. if someone go back by a bit sure kena hit by the car le.. ahaha.. btw, the food there sure always got 'ka liu' one.. (extra seasoning) from the exhaust.. huhu~~

    I guess that is their lifestyle ba.. Hahaha.. Luckily ipoh not like that ho? Nvm la.. Like what you said, it's a blessing that we have food to eat.. ahaha.. :D Hee~ :)

  3. Hey claire...no wonder u been missing la! Was wondering where u went! Another side makan trip eh? :P

  4. haha...disappeared into the heart of city KL...these 2 days while i was there, i realised one thing... I FEEL VERY NICE AND COMFORTABLE IN IPOH.. haha....


Thank you, readers!

What We Ate In Tokyo

WE SPENT ONLY THREE NIGHTS IN TOKYO... We arrived a day earlier than my second son and family.... and the next morning we went to Tokyo Towe...