Thursday, June 19, 2008

All For The Love Of A Girlie

YESTERDAY I was given another assignment by my girlie... asked me to write a short poem on Best Friend wor... Is it best friend's week, huh? Anyway, she said Teacher want wor... for what, I dont know, just a few lines will do, she said...but cannot copy from internet one...

Somemore, praised me first...said I can write at a spur of a moment wor... (so clever to chak hai, this girl (scrub shoe) .... Mama is very easily taken one...

Ok, here is the short poem that you request for....

To You, I want to say a big Thank You
For You, I wish I could do much more
With You, I really want to be together
By Grace, our friendship will last forever....


  1. sniff sniff.. so kum thung. U r dedicating the poem to me rite? Rite? Rite? I first to comment, so it's MINE!

  2. if u think it suits u...take it by all means..haha...

  3. Wow! ur girl is right, u can really write1

  4. thanks... i m sure all of u can also write.. haha...

  5. Not as good as you, that's for sure.

  6. thanks..u r a humbly beside being a bumbly mama...

  7. wow... good in written poem wer...
    hwe hwee~

  8. wow...aunty really can write's a gift to be able to write poem. haha...

  9. sometimes, words get sweeter and they get shorter, well written

  10. thanks all of u for yr encouragement... i know simple words only... *shyface*

  11. Poems for moments can really take hearts to where we feel sooooooo nice. I also want to learn to be poetic....

    morning with you is sunshine
    afternoon share with you all of mine
    evening excited to be with you
    night we grow closer thru dine

    so, can ah? hehehe

  12. wei...very kwat pei.. going to rain soon...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...