Thursday, June 26, 2008



My colleague is leaving us ... she is another bubbly fun going lady... but I m happy for her.. its like a blessing in disguise for she will be in another department few floors below me, I wish I could go with her too ... I will miss her...

Working enviroment is very important, it is like a 2nd home to me, sometimes I spend 10 hours in the office, its more than what I spend at home minus my precious sleeping hours....

So.. to have a nice happy enviroment in the office, what is important?? As for me, a good boss and cooperative staff....

How to define a good boss?
A boss who is understanding and firm at the same time, a boss who is neutral and yet listens to the staff's problems and dont take sides....(my demands are not high)

A boss who is shrewd, sly and always twisting his/her words at others' expanse...
A boss who is always siding those he/she favors and 'victimise' those who are not....
A boss who doesnt appreciate staff's work eventhough it is done properly and reaching target date....
A boss who does personal business in the office and will 'blacklist' them who dont contribute (pong chan) to his/her business...
A boss who always think of going for a short holiday at the staff's expanse and will 'blacklist' those who dont go along with him/her....

AND the list will go on and on and ON AND ON AND ON......

Boss Boss, please please go away...
Please dont come and spoil our day

Life was so good before u came

But now u r here, we are always blamed...


  1. haha,wah, the poem is very well written.

  2. haha..thanks.. i was so frustrated today...

  3. Oh dear, it doesn't sound like a positive environment there - it's frustrating working with lousy boss. But so far I have been blessed with good ones (and langchai too! ;)

  4. mine no chai.. mine is lui yan.. very looi yan... nowadays must start praying each time before going office..

  5. hehehehehe! funny and witty poem. just made my day!

  6. Poor claire.. Nvr mind.. think pay day.. pay day..

  7. yah...think of the "agung"'s head on the piece of paper..the rest, i got to endure and tolerate till beh tahan then ask for transfer to another office.. working as a servant here is a nitemare at times... sobb...sob....sobbbbb...

  8. haha...luckily i got a good supervisor, a nice boss and a great director!

    Don't worry ... learn to manage her lor... there's a lof of books out there...

    c''s friday la... dun stress...

  9. good for u, chris.. pray that they dont get transfer off.. good bosses/superiors are hard to come by.. my big big boss is nice, fortunately...straight to the point, favor no sides, right principles..but alas..not this one...

  10. hi sweetie, yes! it's friday... go off for the weekend looking for nice tasty food, leave that mud face hanging in the office wall... once awhile we do have a dumpster passing by leaving smelly foul...
    all things good or bad will go away; take photos and imprint the good ones for memories lane and make our mouths watering....hehehehe.
    have a nice weekend ya. smile.

  11. you remind me of my ex boss, who would call me at midnight to come out and entertain clients, thank god i left the job, or else i die la

  12. i guess we do hv 'fantastic' bosses/superiors... i would prefer those who dont take personal matters mixed with official work.. the problem arises when they do...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...