Sunday, June 29, 2008


WHILE WAITING for Girlie to come out from a cineplex show in Jaya Jusco, I walked around the shopping complex and came across some good sales on men's sandals.... Saw one good pair and quickly telephoned Andy to ask for his size..."Size 10?? Ok, good, I will buy for u..."

Upon reaching home, quickly, I told him to try on the sandals... the size or the colour might not suit him... He opened up the box and tried on one...."Ok, mum, nice, not bad ..." Then I left him be.... suddenly, he exclaimed loudly..."MUMMMM, come and SEEE!! HOW COME THESE SANDALS ARE BOTH ON THE RIGHT LEG!!!"

HUH??? NOT understanding what he meant, I went and looked.... this was what I saw...

sigh...Dont know whether to feel angry or amused....the salesperson must have mistakenly wrapped up 2 RIGHT LEG SANDALS into the box.... haiyah.. meaning tomorrow I have to go again to get it changed....kek sei yan... especially now with the petrol hike, I have been trying my best to cut down driving around...

Moral of the story this time IS ...take the RIGHT person along to buy sandals so that the right and the left are THERE ALRIGHT !!


  1. What can I say about you, claire? lol

  2. hehe.. just say i m blur blur.. wei.. thanks for coming by.. so far, also u dropped by, i m so touched.. :)

  3. You think if I have better thing to do I would be here talking to you? lol Everything is closed in Brussels today cos it's Sunday :-(

  4. Eh.. ngam for those born who kenot dance.. except that they are called born with two left feet lar.. hehehehe.

  5. hey yling, dont hv to spell it out lar... make me happy ma...
    goolypopop, so those who know how to dance well are called 2 right feet?

  6. sometimes they are very blurred, must check each time. They can also give u diff sizes....

  7. Been there, done that . . . Claire ! lol

  8. Haha...that's so funny! Must always check stuff even before paying at the cashier's - things can get mysteriously mismatched or worse, u pay for something which was not yours!

  9. yeah..this one really taught me dread to go and change.. sien... dont change, cannot wear.. haha...

  10. oh wow! if it's any consolation, this happens to other people, too, not just you. hehehe! maybe a 2 to 10 ratio. not bad. hehe!

  11. haha...that's why my mum asks me to buy my own

  12. LOL! this salesman is good!
    Ahaha, it could be a new style of convincing customers to go back to the store a 2nd time

  13. make second trip worth.
    buy more things, hahah. :p

  14. 2nd trip made me breathless.. running up and down the escalator to beat time factor.. blog about it tonite...

  15. The charm of a sweetly smiling mum has taken over that guy's thinking... he's only human....hehehehe. Be happy claire.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...