Tuesday, July 1, 2008


WISH TIME CAN SLOW DOWN A BIT... it seems to be running too fast for me to catch up, I feel time is just not enough for me... I have so much to do and yet so little done....

Perhaps I do things at a slower pace now....and puffing more air when I try to do things fast...

Before dropping my kids to tuition, we went to Jaya Jusco to change the sandals... I left them in the car, engine still running, and out I ran.... ran up the escalator, ran to the section to look for the salesboy to change the sandals, ran down again and back to the parking lot.. I was practically out of breath... my goodness, am I really that old now???

Then after sending them to their centres, yours truly went to petrol station to fill up petrol tank plus air on the 4 tyres, stopped by my mummy's place for a short chat and home I went...

Made a few phone calls, checked my emails, surfed some websites and now I got to rush off again to pick up my kids... That was all I could do in 2 hours.... and I wish I can sit here longer, blogging my heart out.... ho ho ho...

I m leaving on a jetplane on tomorrow morning.... I havent finished packing my bags yet...
Perhaps I do it later or maybe tomorrow morning????? haizzz... Time..precious time, can u please slow down for me??

Oops...got to run again.... my kids are waiting.............................

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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...