Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ho Chi Minh (conclusion)

OUR LAST NIGHT in Ho Chi Minh was spent on the ship cruise along Saigon River. When we arrived at the riverbank, there were 3 big ships awaiting with red carpets and beautiful vietnamese ladies were standing by to welcome guests to their ship. All of us were fascinated by the charms and the colourful lights around the surrounding.

Dinner was served on the ship, ala carte style, seafood was abundant there... unfortunately, my pictures didnt turn out well ... I hope my frens' cameras do better than mine...I have yet to see them... Anyway, I would say, the experience being there on the ship while it 'sailed' along the Saigon River was indeed special and spectacular...

the entrance to the carpet all the way...

scenery from the ship above..

relaxing to the music and a performance after the dinner..

one of the dishes we ordered...

steamboat vietnamese style...

The next day, it was time to say sayonara to Ho Chi Minh City. Before we left, I snapped a picture of the hotel which we had stayed for 3 nights.

Duc Vuong Hotel... 24 hour security at night..

the room where 3 of us have spent our nights... snoring away....haha..

A very cheap affordable tour
Air Ticket RM350.00
Hotel RM100.00 (3 nites)
Ground tour RM60.00 (2 days)
Food less than RM80.00
Shopping expenses?? (shh...shh..)


  1. wah, quite affordable indeed, next time can drag my mum go,but must book the ticket early lo?

  2. Cheap and cheerful. Been planning to go long time ago. Thinking about taking train from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh

  3. yeah gab, must check with air asia .. look for the cheapest flight.. u really loves yr mum a lot.. always mum this, mum that...

  4. wah.. u so singmuk.. i was about to ask how much u spent.. But u cleverly jot down all.. Hoe yeh!

  5. Yes, indeed very affordable - i wanna go holiday too! HKK, come we go - faster go check out AirAsia!

  6. yeah..check out air asia and let us know.. as their motto goes.. "everyone can fly" ...

  7. hehe...nola, cause also wan her to enjoy her life ma, so always wan her to go traveling if can.hehe...

  8. i know, Gab.. yr mum is a great mum.. and u r a good son.. God bless u all..

  9. Hey! That's really cheap!

    I went Ho Chi Minh in May, and I spent S$500 for 5 days! I stayed in a budget hotel (Blue River hotel) in district 1 where the backpackers' area is, one room per night costs USD20. Hmm, do you like the Vietnamese food? I don't really like, find the food rather plain.

    I have blogged about HCMC too, feel free to read about it ok! Glad to share. I've a video about the chaotic road too! HA!
    >Read HCMC posts

    See ya around! :D

  10. I have read yr posts, Eunice and thanks to u, really, cos yr info on HCMC is very useful to us.. will go into yr blog more often for other places..haha..

  11. Thanks for all those photos of your trip, seemed like I've gone to Ho chi Minh myself. My friends planned to go there but were opting to visit KL first or Jakarta again.
    Why not visit Manila? I can be your shopping guide, transpo free. Yeah that's true I'm serious.

  12. wow..thanks so much Marie, yes, will consider going once i hv somebody to go with me..actually we were planning to go to Manila after this, provided they hv cheap ticket.. thanks again for yr offer.. i will contact u once we confirm..

  13. Affordable, near, pleasant.... this place can go. Alternative to HK or China or Aust.

  14. haha, every mum is great and every child is ought to be good. :P

  15. yeah, u r right Gab.. only some mums dont know how to show their love for their kids and some kids dont know how to love their mums in the proper way..
    Chris, yes..affordable..depends on how much u want to spend.. for me, i dont buy unnecessarily so i dont use much actually..all in i use around RM800.00 only plus shopping..haha so dont ask me to give u gifts..

  16. Wah seems really affordable... :)

  17. yeah, i go for cheap tours..haha.. next on the list might be Hainan i hope to be one of the early birds to book the flights...


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...