Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ho Chi Minh (Part 3)

THE NEXT MORNING, WE VENTURED OUT TO CU CHI TUNNELS, about 70 km from our hotel in Saigon... started our journey around 8am, the bus came to pick us up and these are the passengers that it 'accumulated' here and there... I was at the very front, just behind the driver, top seat some more.. so can take some 'nice traffic' from that position... :)

passengers are from all over..singaporeans, british, americans n of course, malaysians..

nice hot weather..can see the sun shining??

busy narrow street leading to town...

how the driver manuvoer... i dare not look at times..

ok, we reached Cu Chi...now walking into the jungle where the NLF hid (Viet soldiers)

one of the booby traps once upon a time..

for enemies to fall in....yucks.. sure die one..

tour guide explaining how it works...

this fella trying out a trap door...

this lady also got guts...oops..hope she didnt get stuck...

an 'abandoned' tank...real one.. really..

what is this? topiaco dipped with nuts and sugar... eaten by viets those days in the jungle..

but on that day, it was our turn to eat... see the donation box? we donated a bit after eating...

Oh, the most interesting part is going into the tunnel..sorry, no pictures, i tried taking, it turned out nothing..just dark images cos it was really very dark inside... I was the first one to go in, I thought I would be very safe crawling just behind one military man in front, but little did I know, once in, he was nowhere to be seen... haizzz... so I was more or less leading the others through the narrow dark tunnel with only one or 2 dim dim lights at certain corners.. quite frightening actually cos we need to bend and not knowing what was in front...phew.. but a very very interesting experience... do try it out when you are there... you wont regret going..


  1. The tunnels looks eerie but i believe that's the latest attraction in Vietnam! They are now making money out of the vietnam war it seems!
    I guess it's not easy to navigate through the tunnels, hor?

  2. very narrow..just for one person who isnt too wide in size..if u know what i mean..and one needs to bend his legs or even crawl if too tall like u..haha..for me, i just hv to bend my body and at some parts, i hv to bend on my knees...very interesting...

  3. the tunnels likely to be haunted..... :p

  4. yes, might be haunted cos according to tour guide, 15000 viet troops and 5000 american soldiers died there.. but while we were there, i didnt feel anything eerie..haha.. God is with us..

  5. Eeekk...i dont think i wanna go into the tunnels la - creepy!

  6. yeah, a few of my frens waited outside the entrance and missed all the 'fun' going into the tunnels..hehe..

  7. I guess my pasta is better than the tapioca :-P

  8. haha, maybe we should go into the tunnels at night, that will be fun. :) hehe, God is with us, so no worries.

  9. yeah, as i said, no fear when we were in the jungle.. Yling, the tapioca tasted nice in fact.. perhaps after all the walking and crawling, it really tasted good, some more can dip into the pounded nuts and sugar...

  10. your pics and post are interesting. for sure, going into the dark tunnel is scary. I can imagine a lot of people died in there eeeeeeek!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...