I cannot help talking about my younger days... When I think back, how did we survive, it was a great achievement....kudos to my parents....My father being the sole bread winner, worked 2 jobs to bring home RM150.00 per month to feed and bring up 6 children and special award to my mum who was a good finance and home minister, for being so wise in the budget as well as in the upbringing...
All of us were brought up in one last room in the town house with a balcony overlooking the backlane. How did we sleep in such a small room? Nowadays whenever we talked about our younger days, we would laugh at how we survived then, with all the 'inconveniences' and the fear of cockroaches at night.
As far as I can remember, The man of the house, ie my father and my 2 brothers would sleep on the bed, my mum, me and my youngest sister would sleep on the floor mat and..... my 2 elder sisters would sleep outside at the corridor leading to the balcony. Stunned or not? haha.. Thank goodness for mosquito net, the lizards, cockroaches or at times rats were given no entry. :)
Anyway, that was only the sleeping part, there are so much to tell... endless.. I wanted to write all these down, slowly..... hopefully, one day, my kids, my kids' kids and great grandkids will be able to imagine how our childhood days were like...
and how blessed they are now.....
having the time of their life...with whatever they want....