Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Andy Made Me Proud

TONIGHT I am going to make a presentation...

Before I do so, I want to thank Gooly for her kind cooperation in making this magazine a success for my son, Andy and "His Friends"

Here they are.....

I wonder what pact they made with each other :)

and I wonder whether Andy can get a part in a comedy movie or not...

Ok, Show time is over... please don't take these pictures seriously....

they are just fake magazines...

*smile, you are on candid camera*


  1. cool, man. Whether it's fake magazine or not, it still looks real - very real. The person who did the superimposing of your son's and the celebrities' on the magazine is good.

  2. oh..the pics are not superimposed .. they are taken real....only the foreigner is not real..my son is real..not imposed face..haha

  3. 这照片弄得很真实哦~

  4. Should have taken it with some hot babes...haha...
    eh...why not you ask Andy to do one for you with David A?

  5. hey..those are real pictures taken la.. not superimposed.. went to Hongkong to take those pics.. haha...

  6. Hi Reanaclaire, sure is amazing what computer imaging can do today.
    Must get myself dancing with Sophia Loren, ha ha.
    Handsome son you have, Claire.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  7. haha, for a moment there i thought it was a real mag... until i looked closely =P

  8. haha.. yeah, i find this mag very fascinating too..as long as u hv a photo of yrself, u can do wonders with it.. when i m free again, i will play with the mag.. provided i do really hv free time..
    thanks for coming by, all of u ..

  9. this is what real creativity can do to make you laugh,,, cool man, love it

  10. So how's the presentation?
    Is it all good?
    Hoping everything will be
    fine.. ^_^

  11. lol ^_^ thats something.. :) i knew this widget b4 but idk that they hav new features..? lol xoxox claire~

  12. its not a widget..its only the magazine cover..

  13. nice one. i act seen a site where we can pose with victoria beckham and paris hilton haha


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...