Monday, October 20, 2008

Secret Recipe Is Her Favourite

B, these were Fern's choices from Secret Recipe the minute she finished school that evening. She chose them herself except for the carrot cake which I wanted.. She finished up the that "giant" pie and the piece of cheese cake. See how hungry she was... I bet she never took anything during her recess time in school and save up all the pocket money... (perhaps to buy me a present next month? aw..don't dream..but actually I am just hinting.. *grin* )

Ok, Fern

this was yours....

that was mine...

this was yours

and....this was Andy's...tiramisu..


  1. arghhhh!!! >_<""" its yummy!! yummy claireee!! i lov ittt!! >_<"" hmmmm.. i want one of those! >_<""

  2. i also like to dine in there for the tiramisu... :P

  3. they must have read my blog on secret recipe...hahaha...

  4. what's the second photo? sansrival or food for the gods?

  5. yummy! The picture capture the sweetness of the cake. Powerful shot claire :-)

    btw, got a tag for you VIRAL LINK, grab it when you have time...

  6. I like tiramisu. The others look yummy too.

  7. all these were packaged back and were not put on proper plates.. just ate them while still in the box.. if in proper display, they would look much yummier.. but being hungry, just wallop it there and then.. *grin*

  8. hello, i know you like Him Heang too, right? Next time claire,if you come to Penang,i will take you take one shop selling in my opinion the best chesse cake in town, i tried it, and loved it.

  9. alright, i take yr offer..
    u r very observant..u can see the him heang box behind my cake.. :)
    i will be going in december hols..

  10. Ahhh... cakes! Did some baking and made a cheesecake over the weekend too - head over to Pureglutton & have a look :-))

  11. i love the cheese one...Yummy!yummy
    ~ ==

  12. i love carrot cake so much.. i think Coffee Club has awesome carrot cake..

  13. love yr style of writing.. haha. well, u never know! :)

  14. wow...i love this post ...a lot of sweets!!!! bad thing ..i cant taste them haha...i love sweets =D


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...