Monday, November 3, 2008

How Much Is That Doggie At The Window???

TODAY FEELING RATHER RESTLESS during lunch time (no internet connection ma), at a spur of a moment, I decided to pay a visit to ISCPA... quickly I called up May Tan, she is always ever ready to go anywhere except staying in the office ...

The journey took us more than half an hour b'cos we lost our way .. after a few phone calls, we finally reached there but only after going through some muddy narrow roads... (so yucky... finished for my car... it was like going through a jungle trek)

When we reached there, we were amazed at how clean the surrounding is...
except for the smell, of course....

the SPCA is just next to the mountain...end road..dead end
where the dogs can make as much noise as they can...

this is the first time I have been to IPOH SPCA

wonder whether these limestone mountain just beside can fall off or not...

all the cages were full, occupied by dogs...and so boisterously noisy....

of course they were barking at us...who else...
they were saying "take me to your home, take me home"

it was their lunch time too.. I thought of getting this doggie
her name is Ding Dong according to the helper
she is a nice and friendly puppy 6 months old...

but this dog caught my eye... she was so friendly, standing up and smiling at us...
May Tan kept talking to her and the dog was nodding at what she said...

May Tan and I like her... her name is Chocolate, so it seems...
but she doesnt look brownish to me...

so....after much inspection round the place, we made a move....
I have to go back and discuss first...
but I like the Chocolate...
should I bring her home??


  1. Chocolate looks like an intelligent doggie! Good choice.

  2. soooo nice. i oso like the two other dogs side by side, and the one alone. ahyooo lucky i didn't go and see.

  3. do we need to pay to adopt the doggie? AHaha.. O we just register? ahaha.. Pity the doggies..

  4. we just hv to pay a minima fee of 25rm for vaccination, other than that, we can donate some to the spca, up to us.. how much we want to give.. i think i take Chocolate.. haha

  5. You should have got dingdong hehehe.. I love the look of the limestone..

    Hey, di u get any response fro s SR?

  6. finally you reached the desired destination!:)

    yay doggie im scare because of their teeth!:D

  7.'re dog hunting! I think chocolate might be a good potential...make a good choice..hehhe...nice place for dog pound..we got our dog from SPCA too!

  8. awww.. doggie.. :) nice one.. :) ^_^ up to u hun.. they all look cute! :D

  9. hmm..u seems to like dogs! I remember you brought home ricky and bought jeannie and joey in the 80s.
    So, now it's ding dong or chocolate. Good la, give them a good life.

  10. you must have a lot of sweetness to keep Chocolate happy, you know, a lot of TLC. Dont do it at the spur of the moment,,,,hahahah.

    anyway, Choc looks cool, and i guess it is free for the taking, isnt it?

  11. chris, u still remember jennie, ricki and joee...hehe..
    u have a good memory..

    eugene, its not really free, u pay a small amount for vaccination and then perhaps donate a bit to the spca...up to u...

  12. cos i miss's my dog though u bought it. He always waited for me to return from primary school then.

  13. wow, the Ipoh SPCA looks much more well-maintained than the one in Kelana Jaya...

    I like chocolate... seems like an intelligent dog

    aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww...i love doggies (and every other animal with legs & fur, actually! =D)

  14. really meh? ricki wor? hehe.. yeah, he is not bad.. i remember ah yee ah bah really disliked him and made noise to my father to take it out..haha... eventually, i gave it to my fren .. may he rest in peace

  15. yes, yanz..i was pretty surprised too..well kept.. mostly foreign workers.. at least i saw 3.. and next to the mountain..good air..haha...foong leong sui lang..

  16. chocolate is indeed a good dog. Why? He stood up the minute i went to see him... and that reminded me .. you know wat..? I did the same thing when my boss come to my table.....( heh, i am not the dog but the bos lah!) 2. He loves gossiping. i told him many bad stories about claire... and he understood..and reached out both his paws to me to say thank you. Cool leh...

  17. Claire, now I knew why chocolate kept on nodding..i forgot it is a female dog...but i used the right langguage , human talk not the one we always use in the office... "Kuai Wa'....betul tak ? to all your blog fren... hai i am ..May Tan .. ever ready to go anywhere with claire especially during office hour...

  18. wei..where got office hour leh.. only on official duties..better dont playplay.. your boss will fry u upside down..haha..but then u r going to fire him soon, right?? so nice to retire...perhaps u should help in the SPCA since u love doggies a lot... :)

  19. yes, you should. being a dog lover myself, id wish to breed dogs of my own. but sadly, rachel (my wife) dislikes canine. she is fond of cats....yeesshhh. furthermore, my house compound is too small for one. however, a note of caution though, be sure to keep your hoes and slippers away, at least for a while until choc is trained no to bite em....cheers.

  20. dogs dogs dogs =)

    my house has 3 and they're so noisy! =P

  21. yeah.. nice dog leh.. that place is keeping dog one ah.. ?

  22. yeah...spca is for dogs.. those dogs that have no have a home..temporarily till people come to adopt them..

  23. ding dong looks so cute! when are you going to decide? :)


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...