Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Vanity Overcomes Pain....

MY GIRL is a "nagger"... nagging me to take her to the dental surgeon..... believe it or not???
Who likes to go to the dentist? Lift up your hands.... (100% no hands lifted) ... Who would like to go UNLESS really no choice, no more alternative, right?

Ok to cut this morning's incident short, we went to see the orthodontist, after doing X-rays on her teeth, 2 of her teeth need to be pulled out to make way for her braces for her upper gum...asked us to go back and consider first but my girl said no need to think over, she is adamant, she wanted it done there and then.....

I really admire her guts, her courage, her determination and I stood at the corner, watching the ordeal, my ordeal... oh gosh.. I was so nervous, I couldn't bear to watch him pull out my precious girl's good teeth, I felt the pain...arrrghhh..... my heart aches till now... but alas, no turning back, its too late now..

making herself comfortable while waiting for the doc

anyone want to bid for these 2 "pearls"??

With her mouth bloody, she can still smile.... no regrets? No... no.... In fact, she is looking forward to next week when she can have her braces on.... (is it vanity or what)
As for the 2 "pearls", she intends to give to her Big Bro as a Christmas gift.... shhhh..shhhhhhhh


  1. owh...oh man...but i think aaron will be thrilled. -.-" at least i think so.

  2. gab... this aaron ah.. when i called him on the phone..he was feeling the pain ... haha...i think he wont be able to study tonite...

  3. oh..dun worry. I lost 4 when i did my braces. Now still can eat a horse! :D

  4. It's rather obvious that vanity rules the day. I bet she's doing it to impress her friends; nobody likes dentists. :)

  5. Oh, why not let her leave her 2 pearls under her pillow for the tooth fairy to take while she's asleep in exchange for a gift? hehehe. just some superstitious belief...
    I thought your daughter is still small. so, you have a young lady already :)

  6. is she doing a crown or implant then, as she has lost two teeths? well, i was not that fearful of dentist until 2 years ago when i had a bad tooth and needed to be plucked out. It's still ok but the bleeding didn;t stop after that till night. Then, I remember i make so many visits to the dentist to make a 'bridge', sort like a permanent false tooth. I never been to the dentist since...haha..already phobia!

  7. lol...i can also feel the pain ler when reading the blog. she really super brave. but then thank God i still can study. :P

  8. gab, i told u before.. she is not like aaron.. she is more hard hearted..haha.. she is willing to sacrifice the pain for a nice pair of teeth... actually hers is not serious at all.. but she insists.. sigh.. if i or u were her, surely we dont do..haha..

  9. oh wow, she's a lot braver than i am. hee!

  10. what a brave girl! tnx. for the visit i'll link u. Great Blog!

  11. Oh no! don't show me the teeth. I have dentist appointment on Friday. I don't feel like going.

  12. women will do anything for beauty! :D

  13. ahm. well yea, braces are indeed painful.. i have one now. hhe. But my mom is dentist. so, i dont have any problems of going to her dental clinic. :D

  14. i've alwiz liked seeing ppl wear braces, 'cos i thot it's like wearing jewelry on your teeth...and when i wuz younger I'd wish I needed braces, hahaha, but thank God I don't need them la, 'cos we couldn't afford them anyway. =P

  15. it is very costly to get a pair of braces.. paying pain painfully...

  16. thanks for dropping by my site. XD

  17. oh my,..i never know that we need to pull out some teeth just to get the braces on...thanks for sharing ya!! ... i dunno if my 2 girl will need to put the braces when they have grown up..

  18. hi claire!

    thanks for dropping by my balog...

    wanna exchange links?

  19. The pain should be worth it, i'm sure! I only go to the dentist once a year, hehe!

  20. I had two of my good teeth pulled out too. It wasn't painful at all and I'm glad I did it for the braces. I think my teeth looks so much better after wearing braces.

  21. old is ur daughter by the way? Thanks for dropping to ex-link?

  22. Oh gosh, I hate going to the dentist even till now at this age. I am just so scared.

  23. me too.. i think i have a few "tasks" that need repairing in my mouth.. but i am so scared too.. oooohhhhh...

  24. yikes! i am scared of dentists...anyone watched The Dentist before.. that was what goes on in my mind after watching this movie...sigh

  25. I extracted 4 teeth last time when I decided to get myself braces. =P


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