Monday, December 29, 2008

Haagen Dazs in Burmah Road

FIRST TIME IN HAAGEN DAZS, Burmah Road... Last night after dinner, not full nor hungry, we thought of having some desserts... an inexpensive one but I ended up poorer by RM75/-...
This is the most expensive dessert I spent on during my entire life.. and I am indeed thankful ... I paid without biting my lips veins..ouch! ouch!!!

downstairs was crowded
so we came up..
who said the economy is poor??

surfing through the menu..
what to order...

eventually we ordered this from the menu..
the real one came after half hour...
16 mini scoops of haagen ice cream, plus some fruits, marshmallows and all these dipped with the melted chocolate warmed with a small candle underneath... haizzzzzz..... RM75/-
(geng chow)... must lick till finished the last bit....


  1. That's one of the most expensive ice-cream in the world and you guys are whopping it in big sizes!

  2. ~*slurps*~

    I don't mind paying for nice dessert.

    My saliva dropping la~!~!~!

    K.K don't have HD shop yet.

    You come open one.


  3. that is awesome! i heard that in town there is a hotel that lets you have haagen daz ice cream buffet at a mere $20.. not sure if its Cititel..

    anyway, is that the one at Belissa Row you went? I go there quite often when I go Penang. it's only a stone's throw from my mom's home.

    thanks for leaving all that little wishes, Claire! you're such a thoughtful person!

  4. i think i must agree with you on this one, must lick till finished the last bit :)

    but i guess it's ok too though a bit expensive coz you're having it with your family

    Happy New Year :)

  5. wow.. high-cost dessert. Not bad. Ahaha.. Once a year? ahaha.. :P

  6. haha..wen sher.. for them, first time, for me 2nd time.. dont know when the next time then..
    yeah teekay, must lick till the last, that was what andy did... dont waste..
    Constance, u r right, it is Belissa row, Baskin robbins is just opposite..

  7. Once in a while, RM75 is a real treat to deserving occasions. Take it as "charity" - after all, we earn a living, so spend when necessary. Some say it's a big waste of money; actually it isn't if you look at the broader perspective. They are after all your family members & friends.

    The more you give, the more you get - though not necessary in monetary terms :)

    Occasionally, I take my wife out to Holiday Inn or other foreign restaurants for a treat. It's quality time, quality food. Not always la.

  8. something yummy to hav! =)hmmmmm.. =D

  9. I love their macadamia icecream! Indulgence on special occasions is ok lah ;-)

  10. hey there...
    i just went to haagen daz the other day itz like ma fav place with ma boyf heheh ,,, and guess what i luf the fondue :)

  11. yeah, special occasion and occasionally ok lar.. as long as everyone is happy and feeling blessed..

  12. looks like it is passion fruit, taste like sour and sweet at the same time..

    chocolates and weakness

  13. hahaha
    i like the word "geng chow"
    I wish I can try that, i called it Choc 'steamboat' ice cream

  14. looking delicious! =)

  15. looks delicious. quality ice cream mah.
    happy new year 2009 and all the best to you, reanaclaire!

  16. Hi Reanaclaire, here's wishing you and family the best of Seasons greetings and a happy New Year.
    Best regards, Lee.

  17. i saw this b4!WHAT?!it cost RM75?!
    omg i cant afford it..except someone belanja XD

  18. yes..very tasty esp the melted choc.. but it time i rather taste the 3 scoops one.. with fruits and nuts.. sharing one..very fast finished la..haha..not enough leh..

  19. its too! but looks really scrumptious
    i once visited but end up not buying any..hahahahha and besides im on a diet..hahahahhahahahahah

    happy new year claire! :-)

  20. yeah...costly hor...but once in many years ok lar... last nite i took baskin was terrific.. more creamy and smooth..price a bit lower than HD..


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...