Friday, January 9, 2009

Malaysia Super Series 2009

AWwwww...What a Defeat for the Malaysian players....the Koreans men double seek their revenge on the Malaysians and they won this time round, 3 sets.... tough fight....

Oh, what am I grumbling about? This Malaysia Super Series la... Badminton, the only game I am interested in and updating myself with.

Today was the quarter finals, from the tournamentsoftware website, I can see them playing live "virtually", better than nothing ma, since Astro never show just now...

As usual, only DATUK Lee Chong Wei managed to go to the semi finals, he will be playing against Peter Gade from Denmark tomorrow. If he wins, then he will meet up with Park Soon Kwan, in the finals... hope my prediction is korret...correct, I mean...


  1. dissapointed with our badminton team for quite some time decided not to watch or know their's our football...

  2. how are you? been a while since I visited here c: miss this site c:

    am not much of a player in badminton but I like the sport c:

  3. read that he won ya? oh i didnt follow up on the doubles.. but so sad they are not good anymore :(

  4. yeah..the doubles men have to work extra hard...i guess they can only be the 2nd or 3rd best.. only lee chong wei can still lift up the name but once lin dan is in, chong wei is also an underdog ..

  5. ya agree. think lin dan is still the no 1. chong wei is not too far in 2nd... and still ahead slightly from the rest.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...