Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You Took My Breath Away...

I am being suffocated.... so hard to breathe..... it is one of those days again...

He wanted to quit, just after a week working in the accounting firm. Too tough he complained... is it really? or is it not? He is having a fever now, took half day off and probably will not be going tomorrow too... perhaps the fever make him talk deliriously...

What shall I do? What should I say? We exchanged words and as usual, we ended up squabbling .. his patience ran out.... same with mine too...darn....

Let me cool down first... I walked away....

Few minutes later, I thought of a way... let's compromise...

Just work for a full month first before you resign... can or not? Take this as a challenge, if u cannot face even this, how are u going to face life when u start working? U r so young, there are lots of obstacles to overcome later in life.... come on, son... Don't just quit on everything!

(sigh.. sigh..sigh...... how come motherhood is so tough??)


  1. oh no, this is one of the many challenges we as parents have to face, some parents are lucky, i hope he wont quit first, and i'm sure he'll listen to your advice.

  2. one of the many many challenges..yes .. sometimes it is so tiring... when they dont heed, it is so saddening..

  3. As a Mommy, you deserve to be awarded, so please grab this best MOM award

  4. naw..i m not..i m ashamed to take .. anyway, thanks chubs.. i will go and have a look...

  5. How lucky he is to have a mother like you Claire. Maybe he is just pressured with work, there's too much work in an accounting firm at these months.

  6. Oh I don't know... if it's not his dream job...

  7. yeah....you give good advice. He sould presevered. Anyway, it's normal for him to think of quitting. I also encountered this before in my first or second job. However, after a while, he will get used to it.

  8. i never thought you have a grown up son already...but yeah, sometimes young people nowadays dont have the patience to stay in one job. they want excitement and big pay. who doesn't? but sometimes, life needs to teach us a lesson.

  9. how old is ur son?

    Hope he can continue and not give up so easy.

  10. he is young..18..this is just a temporary job till he gets his spm results next month then he will further his studies.. bec of me, he has to work ...

  11. i read your latest post. so he compromised. you must be glad. just giving my opinions here anyway. does he like accounts? does he like to work in an accounting firm? maybe it's not that he wants to stop working and just go on wasting time. maybe he just wants to find a job that is more exciting? and not so dead and quiet?

    i understand. it's very hard to be a mom. but i think talking calmly and listening and advising as a friend works best. don't let your blood pressure go high 'cos it'll be damaging to your health.

    teenagers will always be teenagers. they think they're big enough and can't wait to be an adult. give them space but at the same time, keep an eye on them so that they don't go out of track.

    and by the way, you're facing a VERY COMMON and NORMAL situation. haha.


    cheers and God bless!

  12. thanks gingermama.. yes, u r right, it is not his cup of tea, his first choice is engineering and 2nd choice is accountancy, but after working here, he will put off accountancy forever..haha..
    anyway, we compromise.. just work for a month and then he can take his pick somewhere else while waiting for his results..

  13. Awww...that was sad...
    I hope he will not quit first, everybody is not lucky of having a great job.He's lucky coz he got one.

  14. yes.through a fren, he is allowed to work temporary while waiting for his results... at least better than idling in the house...

  15. it is indeed challenging to have a child... ur job as a mother is over! :)

    keep up the good job dear!


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