Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Missing Cinderella's Sandal...

On the 29th January, 2009, around 6pm, we stopped at the Sungai Buluh Rest Area, The Jejantas. It was raining very heavily that time, AA had difficulty driving on the highway so we got to pull over to take our dinner while waiting for the wind and rain to stop...

Upon reaching home, I realized my precious left sandal was missing from my car. It was kept under my car seat in front. This pair of sandals was my favourite, I seldom wear it, too precious ma... I only wear it when I need to walk a lot, especially shopping or travelling. It was my most comfortable pair... and very sentimental....too.... (over-the-sea gift)

Now I have only the right side ..
so sad...
it may not look nice but it was my best pair...

I think it was "pushed" out from the car front seat

Lesson learnt: Dont put anything under the car seat
and Moral Of The Story:
Do not keep your favourite things
Use them, Utilise them
Before it is too late....

Now I am hoping... that somebody, anybody... will be able to find it and return it to me...... hahahaaa....(*dream on, lady!*)


  1. oh, u sound sad today...just buy a new one Miss C.

  2. Veta, cannot get in Malaysia.. must fly to US to buy .. that is why i said sentimental value :(

  3. oh poor u.. i know how it felt when u have that particular ONE comfy sandal that u love.. time will heal...

  4. and only pair... gonna buy another pair but wont be able to get the same one again...

  5. Oh I really hope it finds its way back to you...

  6. yeah, hope it walks back to the owner... haha... must be in the rest house where we stopped for dinner..

  7. erm...reminds me of one of the Mr Bean's episode..haha...

  8. looking at the third picture, i am having fun trying to guess the model of your car instead, is it Toyota Avanza..

  9. No... almost.... haha.. u must be very good in cars...

  10. Sales is everywhere now..go and buy and new is time to change

  11. sentimental ma.. sayang ma.. wear only few times and now lost.. next time ah, dont ever sayang to wear, buy already must utilise..

  12. Hehehe... According to the Cinderella's story, who found the shoes n return to the owners. It may signs that the person is the soulmates! lol..!

  13. Hi Claire, can I offer to buy you a replacement?

  14. haha..thanks Loo.. it is not another new pair of is the loss of a gift .. shoe shoe means sigh sigh in chinese.. making a hue and cry over a lost sandal.. what a joke.. haha..

  15. i lost one side of my crocs sandals last week too. that's one of the reasons why this year's cny is but anyways, watcha gonna do with the other one. can go smacking mosquitoes....hehehehehe

  16. hi just came here to visit your blog

  17. hope you will find your sandal.

  18. haha...finding is almost impossible.. ipoh is 150km away from the rest house in sg buluh.. anyway, just keep the right sandal for rememberance.. as Calvin said, use it to smack mosquitos... haha..

  19. hey sorry to hear on the missing sandle. and thanks for the advise - think it applies to life in general too :)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...