Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Valentine With ....

How did I spend my Valentine's Day... well, it was so so.... "romantic and beautiful".....


Don't talk about the day... I spent it in the office, slugging and poring over some backlog work... *fume* but of course the only consolation is that some pocket money earned doing some overtime there... *wink*

Evening? I went to church to bask in the ambience's of My Lord Jesus in CGMC... the worship songs were beautiful and sweet, the song "I love you Lord and I lift my voice.... let it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your Ear...."brought some teary eyes.... so romantic words... well chosen by Keon specially for our Lord...

Home alone at 10pm... Fernie has her own program, slumber party at my mother's place wo.. Andy had a night out with the guys, not gals...that was what he told me.. (sure, I believe him.. no doubt about that) and came back after midnight....

Pitiful or not? I mean ME... ME... home alone leh....without my love ones....

No la.. that was not all... I have my one and only one best friend ma... She also cannot bear to be alone during Valentine's Day too.... so what did these TWO OLD HAGS do?? Well, we had a few hours of chatting, squabbling over some issues and gluEing our eyes on "THE GEM OF LIFE" chapter 1... 2... and dozed off...

SO.... now you know....

My Valentine is having my best friend over to keep me from being sane.... aaaahhhhhh....

(sorry, my fellow bloggers, if I have misled u all to read on.... )



  1. hi ~summer here:)nice to meet you .

  2. thanks summer..hope u can drop by more often...

  3. Oh dear~ I think when all my kids have grown up one day, I'll be the same as you. Valentine's alone, now that they are still small so, I have my Valentine's day with them. I was busy baking mini cheese cup cakes for them on Valentine's day. No celebration for me too >"<

  4. Celebrated my Valelentine's Day with my in-laws and had a great time!^_^

  5. that was a great valentines day celebration Claire.
    Good post, you always remember to go to church..
    take care

  6. so... happy heart's day then.. :)
    take care :)

  7. Aside from having to work, the rest of your day sounds lovely - church, worship songs, fellowship, and inspiring conversation with your best friend! :)

  8. that is all right...happy valentines day anyway...

  9. it's ok, at least your activities are full and got companion.

  10. thinking back, it is not so bad after all.. we had a hurried dinner at the food fancy stuff.. haha.. well, be thankful..anyway.. whatever happens..

  11. Old Hags! Don't call yourself like that! Hahaha, anyway, your Valentine's celebration was interesting :P

  12. wah wah.... getting a best friends is very hard !! but u success to get one that celebrate valentine with u !!

  13. But you did celebrate Valentine with the King of all men and nations! This is a huge honour which many don't even realise. God bless.

  14. Its actually pretty good Claire, so inspiring!

  15. wow..i didnt realise that, William.. yeah, i guess that was wonderful..worshipping in the house of the Lord during Valentine's Day... praise and honour to His name..

  16. there is really no problem who we spend it with. as long as we are happy. :D


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...