Wednesday, February 18, 2009

United We Pray, Divided We Hope Not..

Being a mum is not easy as the spelling is... being a mum is the hardest task... I am still learning how to be one, I need my kids to teach me, stand by me, no matter what happens, they are my pillar of strength to go on with life....

I am indeed overwhelmed when Chubskulit gave me this amazing award... thank you very much, Chubs, though I know I dont really deserve it, this tag is pretty encouraging and I will not give up trying to be a better mom for my 3 wonderful kids, they will be part of the award, life is meaningful with them around... laughter and joy comes from them.... through ups and downs, we will continue to be ONE FAMILY, here on earth and till eternity....

And Now I would like to pass this tag to Gargies, Goolypop, Amy, Constance, Raynebows, Clarissa and to all the amazing mums out there too... You all deserve this, not forgetting our own mums too ... there is nothing greater than a mother's love for her children....

The rules: 1. Show the award logo in your post. 2. Pick a picture you have with your kiddo(s). 3. Post should include your best experience as a Mom. 3. Nominate other blogger mom's out there that you consider the best mom, like yourself.


  1. hi claire, it's been long since I visited your blog...hope your doin fine..
    was here today, just checking up with latest updates...hope you visit me back...thanks

  2. Hi Claire,
    This a very beautiful encouragement, I thank you. However, I really do not think I'm a best mom, honestly. I'm also learning and learning each day, just like you, and making mistakes along the way. It's tough, but nevertheless it's the best phase in my life, I would say (even better than paktoh!) Happy motherhood to you too.

  3. Hello,Claire!Congratulations for the award!!You deserved it!Just like you, my kids are also my joy, they're the reason why I don't have stress at home--even when on mess!lol!

  4. wuhuhuhu..kamsia.. so nice of you woh :) *faster run back and delete all the i-cane-n-scream-at-gooly's posts sin..*

  5. haha... u really are funny, goolymama... but no need to la.. as it is written in the bible..
    spare the rod and u will spoil him rotten.. remember?

  6. lol at goolypop too! she sure is one funny blogger. haha.

    and you madam is one deserving mom.
    kudos. those kids grew up right.

  7. oh u have grown up kids already. congratulations in doing a good work in them :)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...