Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 2 In Suzhou

Day 2 - Next destination is Suzhou Muzeum, nothing much there actually... just some relics and some antiques of some great emperors, if you know the history, then it is interesting, as for me, just look see, look see only...... no photography was allowed inside the muzeum, in fact I heard the guard shouted at one couple for taking some pictures... so fierce, man....

the museum compound...

outside the museum...

peace unto u...

the street leading to the museum
the trees all "naked" looking..

ahh... i love this scene..
it is like little Venice...
we took a cruise along this canal...
looking at people's backyards.. haha...


walking along the old city of PingJiang
losing lots of calories....

after that, replenish back the lost calories
with these glorious food...

neat arrangement, yeah?

fish cutlets...

steamed eggs furnished
with some clams on top...

looks like dragon fish, right?

this is beancurd, i think...

soup..wonder what was inside?

corns and chicken...

and lastly this dessert...
sweetened glutinous rice...

i think i left out some green vege...
haha...must be too hungry then...


  1. hi..i like your vacation enjoyable...I wish I could visit China too...

    So did you do a lot of shopping like most of my jobmates do when they visited China.

  2. wah, so nice ler the pic. why nvr bring me there?

  3. yeah..i did some shopping but not lavishly la.. inflation ma.. i spent only a few hundred.. haha..very han one... so forgive me if i didnt buy anything for all of u here.. haha..

  4. first of all, i like the tress more than the concrete structures, secondly you are good in choosing the color of your sweater, your yellow stands out remarkably, thirdly you must be really enjoying yourself and now realize that how important the chinese language is, lastly you must start work harder from blogging to fill up that coffer of yours.

    Nice to say a friend who was happy holidaying,, and second reminder "where is my shao shun?

    oops one final comment, i am dirt happy to be the first one leaving comment her, never got the chance to do this untill now,,guess saturday i must go hantam TOTO, Magnum of 1D + 3D from underground and upper ground, will sure kena lol.

    take care now, me will be busy tmrw, so before i miss out on you, do drive carefully on the way up to Penang, please do call me if you need my assistance, wount be too hard to reach...

  5. woah....what a sumptuous meal!! Did u gain weight sis? I like the 'venice' place, guess many movies are filmed there. :)

  6. yum yum...

    sungguh lazat sungguh enak!

    mari makan sama-sama :)

  7. looks like so much fun! wished i could go for a holiday too :)

  8. welcome home claire. Did you shopped a lot in china? hehe.
    Thanks for posting these nice pictures.You look satisfied with that trip.

  9. So, did you get any (secret) recipe? ;) Share-share lah. :D

  10. woah... lovely pics neh... =D

    and the food looks really good! now you've made me feel like visiting China one day, just to try the food =P hahahaha, i'm so greedy, want to go China just to eat!

  11. hmm nice view and the food also look tasty wo!

  12. Wow!!!! Foodsssss!! Luckily i just had my lunch.. :)
    It seems you had a very enjoyable trip to china.. :)

  13. Wow! the place is beautiful and food looks yummy... I have only seen this kind of architecture in movies...

  14. yes, the places i went to, most of them resemble those in the fighting ancient shows.. i m quite impressed... i feel i was at the movie scene...haha...

  15. The place is beautiful and the food looks delicious

  16. Aiyo so firce one the guard..shouting some more...:)

    wow..foods,foods & foods..nyummy!

  17. U make me hungryyyyyyyyyyyy......T_T

  18. food presentation look so nice, I can to go there and eat also ;)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...