Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Pea And The Cock

A woman like me has never come across a peacock (its a pea-cock, right?) "opening" its tail... Tail?? oh dear, correct me ... what is that called...

Anyway, whatever it is called, for the first time, I managed to see her/him opening the fan-like thing and parading itself right and left in front of all of us tourists... My friend told me that it has been trained to do so.... I don't believe her...she was pulling my leg, right?

two steps to the right...

two steps to the left...
turn around...tap, tap, tap...

and bow....

(chey, sounds like folk dancing...
anyway, this p-cock was very beautiful
and smart too!)


  1. I think your friend is right! The peacock has indeed been trained. Otherwise, how does it knows how to bow, etc.... hahaha. (I am also pulling your legs!). Oh... that fellow is a "he". A "she" has no fan! I think I am right here.

  2. haha...thanks William for sharing yr knowledge... i m still wondering whether he is trained to open up when tourists clap hands..

  3. do u know a female peacock is called a peahen? LOL.. just extra crap for knowledge on sunday! hahahaha.. beautiful peacock there..

  4. Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing.

  5. who's beauty can beat that lovely creature...

    I wish I have her furs EHESTE feathers...

  6. haha.. maybe there's a female around.. they say it open its feathers when there is a female around.. nagyayabang ba hehe

    Make or Break

  7. The very first time I saw a peacock, I was in awe hehehe.. so beautiful!

  8. strike number after seeing the peacock open up like that kah?? it is rare to see that..u know..

  9. indeed... peacock is one of many beautiful creatures alive... wekekekeke. Never see it in live form lah... wekekekek

  10. yes, i was amazed to see this he peacock opened in front of our very eyes..he was in the wuxi park where the tourists were waiting for him to open up ..hahaa..all peeping toms..

    Raynebow, this peacock i took pics from was from Wuxi.. part of the Shanghai trip..

  11. hehehe...such a funny illustration you got there. so do you know if it's male or female? errr..actually, how do you tell eh?

  12. beautiful peacock! =)

  13. I love peacock..thy are always beautiful

  14. like u, chumsy..i pun tak to see the gender..unless go near near and buka..haha..

  15. I love peacock too..beautiful creature! :-)

  16. hehehe..cute peacock..i saw p-cock when i was 7 years old. not only one but eight p-cocks.. i enjoyed watching their tail feathers blooming like a fan...but never closed to them they're little bit scary..

  17. yeah...i think the peacock has been trained. that looks so cute! and you're so lucky you saw it open its tail.

  18. wow , That is truly an adorable fellah.. That's a male sis.. As it is a cock.. hehe.. By the way, I have never seen such one in person.

  19. i know it is a male, i tot only females are vain so naturally, i take it as a lady bird...
    yes, first time for me also to see him open up and put on a fashion parade.. we clapped hands of course!

  20. i have to agree with your friend, Reana. If the peacock can do those move, he must have undergone some sort of training.

    anyway, u very lucky to get to see one with open tail...:)

  21. THat bird its really beautiful. .


Thank you, readers!

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