Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Share share la....

Talking about recession and spending less, we wanted our lunch to be spent to the minimum.. but upon reaching the shop, Lynn had a sudden urge for coca cola.... i told her ... not good for her baby ah... so eventually ended up sharing la...

see this big plate of rice?

we share share this too....

and this too...
delicious char siew (roasted meat)
this meal cost us RM5.00 plus the coke...
divided by 2 = RM2.50 each ...

Moral: Sharing is cheaper...


  1. adui.. u owez make me hungry..nyum2 :) huahua.. char siew!!!

  2. i like char siew damn much!!

    meanwhile, your friend's name same with my beloved's name wor..

    i think she must be a pretty woman too~


  3. nice!

    But, next time need to put non-halal food bo... hehehe

    why ipoh got a lot of nice food to eat!

  4. hello Claire, food galore

    thanks for the visit

    i am back here my friend

  5. I wanna to share too.....looks delicious!

  6. Yes, you are absolutely correct.

    Keep sharing to save more :-)

  7. this is great idea, now lemme see who should i invite for lunch today....oh dear, i can't think of anyone hehehehe,

  8. not only cheaper...and also dont hv to gain the extra calories here and there... haha...
    but then..
    when dinner time comes, i wallop like mad!

  9. adoi the char siew look si pek tasty leh!

  10. so cheap ..sumore got char siew accompany with coke...where is this shop?

  11. the char siew looks good!

  12. yeah, i was surprised the char siew was good.. i seldom eat char siew ... but it tasted sweet.. so it was nice..

  13. Very cheap... Pregnant can't drink Cola kah? Never heard that before? But then I never was pregnant...even though I look like it! Hahahahaha!!!!

  14. rm5? in KL the coke alone is rm1.80. rice plus egg maybe rm2. That plate of charsiu easily rm5.

    ipoh still got place for me to move in ah?

  15. u really made me laugh, situapui.. a real joker..

    sinkar..there r some shops selling cheap somewhere.. all u hv to do is to come out to look for them.. like me..hehe..each morning, survey... survey..*hand on eye looking far*

  16. suituapui, dun bluff. u've been pregnanting for like 30 years.

  17. hahaha.. so bad la this sinkar.. are u both related, by the way?

  18. hmmmmm... soooo! yummmmy.... makes me hungry seeing the pics.. :)

  19. i dont know about sharing. i would have munched it all up myself no problem lol

  20. nice char siew see also want t to taste it

  21. Your pictures are making me hungry LOL!

  22. yap,ur'e right!!sharing to save more so we can eat more!!

  23. wah,the char siew looks so tempting wor! I too seldom eat char siew, too sweet. I prefer sau nyuk instead...

    Hehe...i agree with the part that sharing is cheaper and can cut down some calories as well...;)


Thank you, readers!

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