Friday, May 15, 2009

Dinner For Me And U, Babe....

Dinner for Two.... sounds romantic, huh? Not only romantic but passionate too... cos the dishes were cooked with passion in the heart. Though they might not look appetising to you, but For Me And My Partner, they were enough to last us through the night.... ho ho ho.....

Hey, before U start to think of what I think U are thinking, then U r wrong.... :)

Our simple dinner...

one for U, one for Me....

and some long beans...

Enough for both of us...
Me And My Girl....

Just a simple dinner cooked within an hour, ate within 10 minutes...
She doesn't like chicken nor meat so it is always fish, fish and more fish with her ....
till one day she might say, "don't cook anymore fish, mama.... how about some scallops and abalones tomorrow??"

*thud* someone has fallen off the chair....


  1. simple is always good...
    i have fiancee who doesnt eat chicken nor i have to know how to i cook p*rk..and i myself just like fish so much

  2. i always cook simple dishes, most of the time only 2 types for my hubby and my girl.Fast cooking, less than 20 mins.Me lazy ma...but to u is someting new . Me too suprise u have so little for dinner..enough meh?..

  3. simple..
    you and your girl?
    your daughter?
    fernie right? =)

  4. ur girl is easy with food, good! my girls are fussy with food :<


  5. Simple and yet healthy food. :)

    Oh u made me think of my mom cooking.... wish my mom just stay next door to me and I can go there to eat everyday. Hahaha!

  6. dat dat dat dat dat fish... oooooo.. i miss dat fish cooked like dat! sooo long dy never eat that fish cooked like dat... aiyo.. dat fish! dat dat dat dat dat fish! yum yum!

  7. May Tan..enough la..time are bad ma... so eat what is required... fernie likes fish, not chicken.. so steamed fish is the best.. not oily and and eat while it is steaming hot...
    sometimes i am also lazy.. never cook too.. buy back... or eat outside.. 2 persons very hard to cook at times...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. hey these both dishes I also suka leh! Sure sedap one, mummy cook one.

  10. The steam fish is my favorite. but unfortunely I was advised by my mom not to eat that type of fish..ikan kerapu is it?:<.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...