Sunday, May 17, 2009

Penang Road Desserts

Went to Penang by bus yesterday to visit Andy at his college. It has been two weeks since he left home and I do miss him. First thing I did was to take him to "makan" , he said it was like getting "out of prison"... hahahaha... cos each day he takes his food either in the hostel or at the college within walking distance. Thanks to my Penang fren, he took us around for breakfast, lunch and dinner.... let Andy eat to his satisfaction.....

we went to this Penang Road
this shop was wholly owned by the
ice kacang along the back lane

first time I went into the shop
authentic style....

from the photos hung on the wall,
Phua Chu Kang (Gurmit Singh)
and Lim Guan Eng (Penang Chief Minister)
have visited this shop.....

the rojak was nice...
thick sauce with lots of groundnuts...

and of course the speciality was the cendol....


  1. yum i also want to eat!!!! must have whacked char kuey teow too?

  2. hmmm lucky andy is in penang. if he is in overseas...then how r..? u r one great mom... i m sure he ate until very happy.

  3. hehe... yeah cendol.. wanna eat, Gab? next time will take u if opportunity arises...

  4. wah, so nice leh , Penang food again. I wan de rojak and the cendol. How i miss those food..wei, next time u go take me along...we go eat durian also..

  5. claire you sure get to eat out a lot...........LOL........... ineed to get out of my house and eat someone else's food.........

  6. haha poor andy.. he must be carving for better penang food! =D

    must be delicious huh? =)

  7. I notice that you really love to eat but you maintain your figure...LOL! That is a good sign , right?

  8. wah....mum and son so 'tarn'!!

  9. OMG yummyyyy!!!!!!

  10. oh yes, Penang Road Cendol memang sedap and famous!

  11. yummy food! i love penang food too!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...