Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Itchy..itchy... scratch, scratch...

So much on my mind, so much I wanna post ...

Firstly, thank you for your kind words and comments .... *slight bow & a smile from me*

My mum is feeling better, can even go marketing this morning but she said her throat is still itchy and she ended up "spraying" some medicated oil IN her mouth, as far as she can put..... Oh Gosh! she got another EXCLAMATION from me when I heard that...

Is medicated oil (foong yau) edible??? Perhaps little bit ok la..huh? It SCRATCHES the throat for her, so I was told....

But drinking sips of hot water might be take away the itchiness of the throat, I told her.... anyway, as long as she is better, that is more than a relief....


  1. I din know that medicated oil can consume?!!?

  2. hi first time here :) medicated oil can consume?

  3. b careful. dont do it often. i know of some elders who consume 'minyak cap kapak' to ease the cough. uuuuhhhh...very dangerous. hope she's well soon.

  4. oh ya, I quite agree with tiee. Don't consume too much.

  5. yeah..already reminded my mum.. she assured me that she wont.. sometimes older people resort to their old ways... old habits die hard..

  6. jus use the safe methods like drinking lime juice safer

  7. Yeah it works, but dangerous too. You want to stop coughing by easing the itch but you don't want to irritate the throat causing MORE cough. :D

    I had the misfortune of having that. ;)

    BTW, DO NOT listen to me! I'm not a licensed medical practitioner.


  8. great to hear dat she's ok... yeah, maybe get her some cough drops like fisherman better.

  9. hehe... it's better to consult with your doctor.. hehehe.. this can do more harm than good!

  10. Hi reanaclaire, ask her to try that Ipoh herbal tea, 'Hor Yan Hor'...might help.
    Its good for sore throats.
    Hope she's better today.
    Best regards, Lee.

  11. i have the same thing going on for quite some time. doctor said it's some kind of allergy. medicated oil works? i want to give it a try because the itchiness is too annoying, sometimes until i can't even sleep at night :(

    hope your mum is feeling better by now :)

  12. Try drinking warm honey - it helps to ease the itchiness.

  13. Hey claire just droppe dby to say hello................

  14. I will suggest Warm lemon or lime + honey drink. Or if not take the cough drops like fisherman, Hacks will help ease the itchiness of the throat.

    Hope she gets well soon.

  15. Thanks for visiting my blog... take care of your mom... I don't know about the edible nature of medical oil but tread with caution.

  16. grandmother used to put medicated oil in her throat :( maybe get your mom some fisherman's friend or hacks?

  17. Hi Clare! Been awhile since I last visited u..juz fnshd my last paper! YESHH!!! hehe! OOO...u knw wht, my mum seems to get d coughing syndrom as well but gets better once she takes ths pills from d Chinese medicine shop. Try it out ya, Birdnest Chong Chau Pi Pa Dan.

  18. hahahaha...I think I will pengsan if my boy sees someone do that and decides to try himself...

    Glad to hear your mum is getting better.

  19. no-no...cant do that. i've read from somewhere that it actually burns the throat....and long use will tear the layers. like u said, drinking hot water soothes the itchiness. and try asking your mum to take works for me :) (i'll pray for her) cheers and god bless

  20. Water is best for throat especially with the current wheather now..superhot!!

  21. WHAT???!!! LOL! alamax... can meh???

  22. Wow, what a nice daughter you are! There are two things you can do for your mom: first, are there any chores that she can't do while she's ill? It would be a great load off her mind to know her responsible daughter is helping out.

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