Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Journey, Indonesia Finals N Ipoh Laksa (3 in 1)

Hi again, I started to drive back from Penang island at around 12.20pm and I reached IPOH 5 minutes before 2pm. Today I took only 1 1/2 hours to reach IPOH whereas yesterday I took 2 hours plus to reach my son's college. Why so fast?

Well, actually ah... I was rushing to come home to watch the Badminton Finals on TV, it was the Indonesia Open finals today. Furthermore, today I didn't get lost like yesterday, it was a straight journey home, only stopping at Taiping resthouse to answer nature's call and to buy some steamed groundnuts for my girl.

So nice.... I can reach home in time to watch my favourite game.... and the good news was the doubles ladies and men single won! Congratulations to them!! But the most exciting match to watch was the men's doubles, Korea won against China! Yeeehhhh... Lee Yong Dae was fantastic la...

Andnow.... to add more "spices" to this post, here are some pics I took when we had lunch in Pasir Pinji... (this is backlog food, sori)






  1. Ha,Never heard of Ipoh Laksa before. The lady finger look so green and fresh ya.
    I am now your follower. :):)

  2. the ladies fingers were not manicured. :P

  3. Misty... not pedicured as well.. fyi, i nv take the tips of the lady fingers... :)

    thanks molly for following...

  4. aiyo....u ah... drive so fast in order to catch badminton... anyway, I watched the matches, it was nice!

  5. Addicted to blog, addicted to family, addicted to food, addicted to badminton... :D

  6. helo claire...thks for dropping by recently, i had a browse over yr blog, u r indeed a food lover heh!!
    the asam laksa made me saliving & ipoh has so much to offer....
    and wow yr son is in college?? i still hv a lot to catch up...

  7. Wow...if around 2 hrs Penang-Ipoh, from SP...around 1 hr, enough or not? If so fast, must hop over when I visit my girl in SP...and we can meet and u belanja me mam-mam nice Ipoh food? Hehehehe!

  8. no problem STP, come over to IPOH when u go visit yr girl in SP... tell me what u wanna eat first and i do some homework before u come.. hahaha....

    Jacss, i m an elderly auntie already.. please please..don't remind me lar..

    chua, not only that few addiction only lar.. banyak lagi! :)

    chris au, yeah, yesterday matches were exciting ... yes, yes...

  9. Food looks good... wow Ipoh Laksa? Does it taste any different comparing to normal Curry Laksa or anything like that? This is the first time I hear of Ipoh Laksa. :)

  10. Ladies Fingers or Okra is my husbands favorite. I was looking for a grown plant so I can grow that at the backyard...LOL!

    Yes, I am busy snapping pictures and not watching the play hahaha.I wanted to have a picture remembrance than stuck in my head and forgotten later.

    Thanks for the visit Claire. Did you know that David, experience the same with what happened in your cbox?

  11. where did u eat your ipoh laksa at? looks like the same one I did! the big trees there is it?

    Oh yea Ho chi minh city is good? North Vietnam is very scenic! :)

  12. Ladyviral, every state has their own laksa flavour and ipoh ones are slightly different from penang.. diff. ppl, diff. taste buds.. :)

    Amy, who is david?

    pureglutton, bila nak ke IPOH? taste the other fu pei-s as well..

    Ju Ann, this is not the big tree laksa..this shop further inside.. same area though...

  13. friend.. can you not let me miss Ipoh so much ah? sitting here reading your blog before lunch is torturing ok... :p Next time choose midnight baru visit you!

  14. my dear cynthia... i m so sorry.. but think on the positive side, next time u come to ipoh, u know what u want to eat... and i can take u if u dont mind my company..... ok?

  15. oooh.. one day I go Ipoh must try out then :).

  16. No further comment... lmao... I go tido dulu... =.= ur making my mouth water at 2am in the morn. T_T

    ps: Dun let me catch u ahh, claire...if not I sure hunt u down to bring me go eat wan!

  17. come, come Cleffairy.. to ipoh.. i take u...anytime.. hahaa..

  18. You like watching badminton tournament? So is that your hobby too?

    The yeong tau fu liews very nice and fresh wor. See the lady good!

  19. We have the same keyword. Exchange links?

    my website is

  20. yes, sarah mum and dad..badminton is my favourite game.. thanks for coming by Diths..


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...