Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Last Post For Michael Jackson

Last night TV showed Michael Jackson's concert in Bucharest, I watched the whole show and it ended around 1.30am... my goodness, the audience was ... so hysterical, I mean, they really cried and cried for him and he was still alive performing then. I wonder how they would react now that he has gone forever... will their hearts be broken, will they cry uncontrollably? Men and ladies alike, they were "crazy" over MJ... but all I can say, he is really a Legend here on earth. His concert was really astounding, spectacular, overwhelming and .. and... I cannot find the perfect word to describe it...

Radios are still playing his songs even today, news on TV are still showing... he is greater than a royalty or an earthly king. Missed by lots and lots of people. I will not judge him for what he has done but as far as I feel, I still have a good impression on him....

A tribute to Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone...
After this, I no more blog about him... I will only listen to his songs....


  1. i just watched some of his videos on mtv. sigh....sure brings back lots of memories. hope MJ is happy where he is now.

  2. "huh?" died? just like that? like pity him like that kind of thought..

  3. Too bad I didn't make any tribute to MJ. I did put a post script though...

  4. For me, I will always remember MJ for his great songs and spectacular performances!

    By the way, I have an award for you at Inspirational Insights. Hope you can grab it!

  5. I also watched it sis...followed by the mtvs. It's been really awhile since I watched him performed and still hard to believe he has passed on.

    Hope another MJ will soon rise up .
    His "Ben" i like the most.

  7. Going to miss him!He really is the Super Star of the pops!

  8. well he is good in his music hope he had been a good example too c:
    thanx for the visit and I am truly thanking the Lord for my sons healing c:

  9. He will always be in our hearts.

  10. I was dancing and moonwalking with my two sons on Saturday evening, when we were watching Micheal over MTV and Channel "V" , i could control myself, i just needed to get up and dance.

    My sons told me i was good, when i did the moonwalking while crooning away "Billie Jean"

    One song really moved me, and it was :My chilhood.

    MJ is back now that he is gone

  11. wow Eugene, u can moon walk? so geng la u.. i only did a bit of jingle when i heard Billie Jean.. in youtube and in his concert shown on tv the other day, saturday, my girl laughed at me.. hahaha.... well, sad he is gone.. still feel kind of funny that he is gone..if u know what i mean...

    guess many many of us are missing him...

  12. mj will be remembered for his great music. my favorite song of his would have to be man in the mirror. the lyrics in that song is so inspiring.

  13. yes, his songs will be everlasting.. sigh... great MJ...wonder how he is now..

  14. I loved this song!

    another day has gone, i'm still all alone...



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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...