Sunday, June 14, 2009


Careless, blurry... must admit old already.... what will I do next?

When my son called me that they have reached KTM IPOH, in a hasty few minutes, I looked into the mirror, combed my hair, grabbed 2 earrings and walked away..... my mind was already somewhere else when I wore my ear rings....

After picking them up, we adjourned for our lunch in Pasir Pinji.... and by the time we reached home, we have spent approximately 3 hours outside the house....

Upon reaching my room, the first thing I did was to take off my accessories and these were what I have "unhooked"!! (aaaaahhhh... embarassing shock)

a different ear piece from each ear
and i didn't realise i was wearing the ODD PAIR!!
and neither did anyone...

either they tot this was a "seow" lady
or they never even looked at my face...
(old lady ma, siapa nak tengok)
or... as my son said, they tot it is today's style...


  1. muahahha... you over excited la.. heard "leng chai" come back straight away rush there... :p

  2. Wakakakakakkakak....My fren... funny nya!!!!!!!! thank God for the long hair... ^_^

  3. hahaha...dont laugh at me, gals.. one day when reach my age, u might kena too ... :)
    cynthia, more excited than having the first date, huh?
    that is the problem with hasty ppl like me, never see properly first before i jump...

  4. an unfashionable fashion.. hahaa.. the ear rings just wouldnt match each other..

  5. pretty blings!

    I know a friend who never wears matching earrings. It's a habit she says from childhood hihi.

    Thank you so much for the visit. Would you like us to exchange links? Let me know! Take care..

  6. New style of wearing earing, Punky Brewster style!Ha Ha!

  7. punky and crazy... ha ha ... how in the wonder did i not realize it ?? am i that absent minded?

  8. hey, yeng leh... sometin different! hahahahaha!

  9. Hi Reanaclaire, my wife did that once, but I noticed it when walking to our car. She luckily keeps a spare earrings in her handbag.
    As for me, I put on different colored socks, a dark blue and a grey one, ha ha.
    You have fun and keep well, Lee.

  10. haha yeah.. thats kinda like a trend these days.. lol.. never mind one.. haha.. =D

    oh you removed you chatbox! =P

  11. irene..yeng or not..sure embarassin if someone were to ask me then.. :)

    U.Lee, different socks not so bad la.. hidden by yr long trousers.. or r u wearing bermuda shorts? :)

    kenwooi, yes, removed chatbox, cos of some "disturbances"

  12. Hahhahaa... but it is ok.. you've created a new fashion and should post it to E channel.. hehehee

  13. can I, C.Alv? perhaps this is the beginning of my new career.. creating the "odds" of earrings..

  14. Yes Claire, it's on June 21st. Thanks for stopping by. I will be back later. This is just a quick visit okay? Thanks for stopping by.

  15. that's cute, because their like of the same color, but just different shape. =)

  16. thanks amy for the info..

    thanks abiel.. they r actually quite nice..hahaa.. only not nice when wore differently...

    yes, if different colours, then must wear to disco.. and not in the broad daylight..

  17. I experienced worst then you. I wore a different color and style sandal that makes my hubby laughing whole day. And we were actually having our leisure weekend at a local resort… A lesson for me la tu...

  18. wowow... that should be very outstanding Mauve.. and u didnt realize it too?

  19. Yalor...(1) can be a new trend (2) people will put it down as absent-mindedness, typical of old people and (3) like your son said, old already, no one wants to look liao... Hahahahaha!!!

  20. my son said trendy la.. i said no one wants to look liao.. if syt, then different story...

  21. *blush* Eh... I have a thing for hooked earrings like this... hardly go out without em...*blush* and horr, every now and then, I will wear completely different earring for each ear when I'm tired, just like you. *SOBS* I'm just 24 lehhh... how come i behave like elder women liao? *HUHUHUHU* I think if ppl want to laugh, they will laugh at me first, Claire, not you... I more worst!

  22. Say, you are not alone....your son's right, new fashion and going to be the 'in' thing soon....

    Anyway, if not too big, no one will really notice....

  23. Cleffairy, u r only 24??? wwwwoooo.. so jeles i.. young enough to be my daughter leh... never mind, old or young, we now have something in common, hor?? *dont ptui ok?*

    hehe..bean, next time i go out with u, i wear the enormous one.. like gypsy type.. but meanwhile stay away from me first, i still got durian smell leh..

  24. No worries, this kind of "blurry" stuff happens every now n then to us mothers (irregardless of age). :)

  25. wow....the mum's so IN!

  26. blur blur sure IN... hahaa.. if intentionally wear, sure OUT!

  27. hahaha. perfectly nice. i think the odd pair looks good, not boring mah. we old *ahem* must create new trend, walk stylo. but your friend above with the wrong pair sandals abit more susah to get away. i will also laugh if i wearing like that go out. sorry, mauve. i lmao! too funny.

  28. Haha..this is funny.
    Did you tied your hair up while wearing it? If you are not, it is not so obvious about it.

  29. misty, agreed with u.. wrong pair of sandals..hehehe..too nice the fashion but then dont be surprised if one day, that fashion begins..

    sarah dad n mum, do show to yr frens.. just in case... good to have cctv installed too..

  30. My fren just moved to the area. I am sure she will be shocked when saw the video.


Thank you, readers!

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