Saturday, June 13, 2009

One For Me, One For You....

Dinner for two again... Me and Girl... it is always the same old style, steaming fish and vegetables ....she doesn't like chicken nor pork, only fish... and so, steamed fish it is, eat while it is hot, just after taking out of the wok, if possible...anything eaten while hot is nice...

....but I read somewhere that eating everything hot immediately can cause stomach cancer? ouch... better blow a bit first before putting into our mouths.... Any contradiction on that, frens?

one for me
one for her
no fighting...

just stir fry yau mak vegetables..
eat while hot otherswise
not tasty at all...


  1. yummy....i love steam fish and yau mak :D

  2. same here.. they said fish is "brain food" wo.. see how brainy one gets.. hahaa...

  3. Wishing you a fantastic weekend! Take care!

  4. thanks gorgeous mum and richard, great weekend to u tooo....

  5. My girl's the opposite. No steamed fish for her... It's healthier than frying, that's for sure!

  6. SImple dishes and looks yummy.Is it cod fish??

  7. stp, u see ah, my girl is very conscious of her weight so prefer steamed than fry..

    MeRy, cathJ, yes..healthy and simple cos i dont know how to cook...haha..

  8. u r indeed a very understanding mama.. n generous mama to ur daughter...

  9. thank u for yr compliments.. i am hoping to be like that but i dont think i m .. some mama's sacrifice a lot more for their kids.. im nothing to them...
    all glory goes to God..

  10. i love these foods, Claire, thanks for sharing and making me drool again :-).

  11. Wah so healty food! On diet arrr?

  12. no la..Pete, how to diet when i eat a lot each day? must go for exercise instead...

  13. oooh fish! that smells good and that makes me hungry...yum yum!!!! I like the vege too...yum yum!!!!

  14. come join us for dinner, bean... ha.. if u dont mind sharing a bit cos only 2 dishes nia..

  15. LOL.... simple dishes like this reminds me of my own mum, because when i was younger, I just like to take simple things, but not steamed fish. LOL... everyday eat ayam kicap or ayam goreng kunyit with rice, nothing else...ah, the good old times =.=

  16. last time when young also no steamed fish for me.. we were very poor then.. more on pork those days.. fish got la.. but those cheaper "brand" one.. hahaa.. but then, we still grow up fat and strong.. hahaa..

  17. Cheaper 'brand' like .... ah ....guppies?

  18. huh..what is guppies? dotn tell me the G is P...


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...