Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday Diary...

Lazy Saturday... woke up 9.50am, went to market to buy pork (swine flu nothing to do with pork, right?) and 2 salted eggs, bought a loaf of bread for our breakfast, Labby and I... share, share...

After eating 2 slices, I started to work on the lunch, the menu for today was porridge mixed with minced pork, salted eggs and groundnuts. Felt like eating porridge, so long never cooked like this....first microwaved the groundnuts to soften them, minced the pork and seasoned it with salt, sauce and tapioca flour. Then boiled the grounduts together with the "beras"... when porridge was thickening, I threw the minced pork and salted egg in and let them simmer slowly... (kau thim, sau koong..... )

1pm Went to pick up my girl from school, today saturday also got school..sigh... by the time we reached home, the porridge was ready for us...

2pm My private session started... (no disturbance, please) Malaysia Badminton Open was on and I watched till after 5pm... eyes drooping at certain times.... finally went off to take a nap for an tonite I can become "thief", so wide awake now...

7pm Went out to IRC for dinner and adjourned to church, back home at 9.35pm...

Now waiting for Michael Jackson show on TV8...Live in Bucharest.... and meanwhile, I played with this photofonia thingy and came out with Me In Puzzle....

Ok, now go watch Michael Jackson
Come lets do the Moon Walk


  1. Is that our own pic in the puzzle?? Thats's look great.

  2. it is me...but u can play with yr own photos in

    try it... u will laugh...

  3. ahhh really? i will try it later, thanks for sharing...that is fun

  4. Hi was here dropping by and to thanks for your visit...have a great day and enjoy your puzzle. that's really fun..

  5. Thats great...Thanks for sharing.

  6. aiks~ I forgt adi abt the MJ show on 8TV o~~ How's it?? COOL?? anyway, wishing u happie happie everyday!!

  7. Hi clare.. Visiting you... miss visiting your blog :-D

  8. MJ live on.....u also badminton fan ah....when is the msia open final ah? shud be today rite?

  9. in fact .. Via.. too late to tell u..haha.. hope u r watching it now..

    radio is still playing MJ songs.. even the chinese channel.. they are making me miss him more.. gosh.. he is indeed a legend.. none can replace his popularity.. i think Princess Diana also was not that popular as him...

  10. I was at JB stadium last sat and was about to buy ticket to watch the matches (cost Rm30) for an hour, but then I think twice as my wife my fetch me in less than an hour... Thought of going today but end up spending time with family.

  11. well, spending quality time is better with yr family..hahaa.. anyway, not so nice matches yesterday cos rivalry was not there.. haha... the top guns didnt attend this time..

  12. jia yew! jia yew!, ur puzzle almost down dy, left only small portion nia!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...