Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Meeting For The First Time With KL Blogger

First meeting with a fellow blogger, a nice lady from Kuala Lumpur. Her name is Raynebows and hope she does not mind me posting this now. In fact, she is a IPOH mali lady who knows where to get all the good food ...much better than me! (paiseh me)

It happened a couple of Saturdays ago, received a sms in the morning, asking me whether got time to yam char (drink tea) or not... Feeling excited to meet a blogger for the first time, without hesitation, I replied "yes, no problem." After some exchange of sms and phone calls, we met somewhere near my house ...

Coming to IPOH means "makan je", right? So instead of me taking her, she took me instead and we went to Pasir Pinji to savor the laksa, noodles and their varieties of fish balls and fried stuff....

excuse my amateur photography...

various types of "liews"

the laksa...

another type of "liews"

this too.. all the crispy fried stuff...

presenting Raynebow & her new babe
she took me round instead cos
she wanted to test drive this..


  1.'s always nice to meet a fellow blogger eh? :D the food looks so delicious :D

  2. hi good morning Barbara, yes, will meet more bloggers when we go along.. :)

  3. Really awesome blog. I enjoyed reading this review from you. I found that you really update your site regularly that made me more interesting. I've bookmarked your site for my future use.

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  4. Meeting friends from the blogging world or the internet world is always fun. It is like meeting new people all over again, the adrenline pumping when you get nervous and all hahaa.. least that is how I would feel :P.

  5. BF, the laksa is so so,..i still prefer penang laksa anytime..not so sour as in ipoh..

    Sagar, thanks for coming by and adding me up...

    Ladyviral, yes, fun meeting up esp u feel like u know them pretty well already through our blogs.. like meeting up an old fren.. haha...,

  6. Our shop is near to that place, we often go there for laksa! Delicious!

  7. next time must drop by and fetch u too, cindy... :)

  8. My brother took me to this place before, but I can't remember how to go there already! The laksa is good!

  9. I've seen her comments in a number of blogs! I love making friends, so I love meeting bloggers - but not the anonymous ones! Really leceh...this cannot say, that cannot say! Makes one wonder whether the little that you know about the person is true or not! Like that, better just stay anonymous lor! No need to meet people better!

  10. Claire, u like Pg laksa...many ppl from other states, they jz cannot stand Pg laksa...hah! But to me, pg laksa is very sedap!

  11. Ah so nice. It's always nice to finally meet that person in real dun you think? Then, the next time you read her blog, you'll feel more connected. :)

  12. Pete, next time u wanna eat, just ask me..i try to draw map... try only nia. but better if i just drive and show u the way.. :)

    stp, those annonymous surely will not meet anybody lo otherwise they wont stay annonymous..they only like to "touch n go" with our blogs.. so far, have u met any bloggers?

    Amy, yes, going to pg often makes me love their laksa already, the other weekend, i ate the one in Balik Pulau .. :)

    Merryn, yes, i know what u meant when u said connected.. meeting new ppl is interesting too...

  13. Hope you both had a great time...

  14. i bet both of you had a great time, great foods..:)

  15. i jealous already lah, you come Penang, no chance to belanja you, i dont care,next time we meet, treat on you,ok?

    i really believe it was all fun for you and raynebows, i should go and check her blog later.

    you know, those non bloggers,just dont know how much we enjoy blogging and the surprises that come out way, right, Claire?

  16. Hey Claire, nice meeting u too :-)) sorry for the short notice, it was a rather impromptu trip, hehe!

  17. Jarlin and Mamamia, fyi, i had a fine time sitting in her new BMX, oh..i mean B M W... she took me here and there collecting her foodies goodies... hahhaa..

    Ok, Eugene, whatever u say.. i go or u come, i belanja also... no is a blessing to treat u and others.. :))

    raynebows, it is ok, impromtu better, no need to get excited for few days beforehand.. just come and meet and bye, bye... thanks for exposing me to JJ cakes.. :)

  18. The laksa make me drool already!!! *droolin*

  19. let me hand over a tissue to u, KMama.. :p come to ipoh and taste it..

  20. her blog all makan makan stuffs... guess that's why she knows better than you..haha...

  21. pureglutton ..yeah.. tak boleh compete la.. very geng blog.. u go there, u lau hau sui one... hahaha...

  22. Wow... nice.. we should do that sometimes.. ^_^

    Woww... Claire!! YOu sexy mama!!!! piewwww... wittttt.........

  23. haha... i receive that as a compliment, i suppose? oh btw, u r whistling at the car or me??? :)

  24. so many nice food, i want also :)

  25. wow...that is really nice...i never meet anyone yet....i hope i will in time...

    thanks for the comments Claire, appreciate it so much

    i bet you really had a wonderful time

  26. Yes, I've met A LOT of bloggers...and I usually would post about it in my blog...

  27. My mouth is watering and I am hungry now. Thanks to you!

  28. can ur fren contact me? cos want her to join bmw club...exclusive support for ladies...:) or what is her blog?

  29. it is written here in my post.. raynebows.. just click on it..

  30. Hi just a word of caution. Before you upload any photo, ensure that sensitive parts are censored. In this photo, I think the car license plate should not be revealed for safety reasons.

    Something to think about :)

  31. not to worry Kev.. this car number does not belong to her, she is just test driving the BMW that belongs to the company, not hers ... she shows this car in her blog as well ... just a car demo...

  32. Food look nice, makes me hungry now :)


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...