Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Poor Red Babe...

WRONG ESTIMATION and my carelessness caused this "Injury" to my car during lunch time. As I was manoeuvring a corner to park inside the IRC compound, I thought I could avoid the divider at the entrance... thought it would be "just nice" until I heard a "bong" and some scratching sound.... aikkksss.... too late, damage was done.

My lunch appetite was gone in a whim! The scratch was quite deep... even polishing will not help to take away the "sore".... haiyah.... one lesson learnt.... I must not be too lazy to reverse! One good thing though... no appetite then, less food intake... sigh...

my poor injured red babe....


  1. poor me...have to go for repair.. i mean touch up..or repaint.. but not now... wait till i save enough for this extra expenses first... :)

  2. haha.its ok, everyone sure kena before..i drove that car and kena one big one before oso..haha

  3. last time salesman also said "wah, how come so many scratches here and there?" now some more added this big one...

  4. aiyoyo.. at first i was like that, i mean kris call me as a "divider lover" coz i owez close to divider.. but never as close as you.. takut woo.. :)

  5. What a coincident Claire!!! I got my scratch today on the same spot!!! During parking lol..lol..lol

  6. Oh, you poor thing.... oh, well, claire.. my car look worst than your red babe... lol...

  7. It's sad, I can understand the pain of getting such tinting on the car.

    Hey, post your full view of your car...

  8. that's a nasty scratch!

    I understand who you feel, specially if this happened because of wrong judgement!!!


  9. yeah yeah... wrong judgment and estimation, i was lazy to reverse one more time... i tot ngam ngam can go through... serves me right for being not cautious enough.. learnt my lesson.. :)

  10. Adoi! First my car, now yours ah?

  11. Ouch this looks bad. Better get it fix soon, else the rest will chip off slowly :x

  12. Henry, mine not first time.. ask aaron.. hahaha.. one time "hospitalized" for one month..

    yes, ladyviral, will polish it off this weekend when i m free.. must buy a good polish first..

  13. hahaha,,, what is your car nombor, must go and tikam lah,,,,,when i kena, i pay half of your repair bill,ok?

    anyway i dont wager on numbers,you know sometimes we cannot be overcarefull when driving,hence we lose sight of the little details, you know what i mean?

    Ok, to be serious,leave the scars intact,they look rugged on your little babe and they pose as a deterrent to other drivers not to come close to you,,,lol

  14. oh dear. luckily you are ok and nothing serious :D

  15. Good idea, Eugene..leave the scars on as a warning, hor? meanwhile, yes, cos it is not cheap to repaint the whole stretch.. :)

    cindy, dotn be shocked.. i m more or less prone to the scars already..

    yes, Barbara, as long as no injury to the driver and passengers, i am thankful..

  16. Oh dear! Not your day, I guess! But in any accident, I always praise the Lord - as long as the people do not get hurt! That's the only thing that's important! Other things can be sorted out sooner or later.

  17. oh my..change the bumper...b careful next time

  18. oh dear.... well at least you're fine. Your car or someone else's car?

  19. own car, Ju Ann..

    yeah, will be careful next time but accidents do happen... carelessness ...

    3 yrs old car... sigh... not so major but still heartbreak a bit la...

  20. Kesiannya... I always scratch my car during parking too. So after many times kena, a bit numb edi. :p

  21. slavemama, me too.. me too... my 4 corners of the car actually has scratches... either by pavements or my doggie.. sigh..

  22. Dang! your wallet must be injured too right? well, insurance will cover it anyway. Take care always.

  23. i leave this scratch aside first, Amy.. will not do anything about it yet except to polish with all my might! hahaa...

  24. I understand your feeling. Im sure it cost money to go to the shop.
    Our car has scratch too when hubby was about to park beside the house buss infront of the house.He underestimated hmmm..
    We both were sad and went to the bed without talking/quite . so in the next morning we went to the shop asking how much it cost for the repairation, but it was so expensive even the insurance will pay 65%.
    It is only a little scratch but it cost so much.
    The good thing the service man who was in charge was on his vacation and they asked us to come back this august for repair., so we went home driving our car.

    But when we arrived home, we changed our mind, instead of paying other people for the reparation , we are going to buy a color and repaint our car instead
    In that way we can save much money.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...