Monday, September 28, 2009

Our Road Side Episode..

"Why did u all dump me and went off?" Lynn's voice over the handphone, I can imagine her pouting lips when she called us...

Story like this: 4 of us supposed to go for lunch at 12.50pm... 3 of us waited for Lynn to come down from office but she never did. We called her hp endlessly, no reply, we called her office phone, no reply, then we waited at the car park till 1.10pm, no sign and call from her. Then we shot off without her, thinking that her BIG boss must have "summoned" her and discussed about work. Half way driving, she called us and asked why we dumped her... lol...

Cut story short, knowing we could not "live" or "eat" without her, we took a big round and came back to take her out. She explained her "disappearance" to us, she was in the toilet "pumping" out her excessive OK, story ended....

Our lunch was spent at the road side , Off Maxwell Road, the place famous for their pasembor, (indian rojak), mee goreng (fried noodles) and some malay snacks as shown below...

see the blue chairs? we sat there to eat..
on-lookers looked at us...
we didn't give a "da...m"

this is the famous stall...

the ingredients

the outcome of fried noodles...

his famous pasembor
indian rojak... best!

we bought some fried jackfruit back

we couldn't resist some malay kuehs as well..

we bought some popiahs..
still hot and crispy...

singapore pau-s
with sambal ikan bilis (anchoives)

sardine puffs...
crispy too ...

So...this was our lunch, we shared among one another
we tried varieties and not quantities :)


  1. wah..... i love the mee goreng. So long never eat this type of mee goreng. The spore version is very different.

  2. chris: this stall is authentic one.. been there for many years and so far, his pasembor is the best i tasted..

  3. Nice food you have but not very healthy though! LOL!

  4. Aiya! Your friend Lynn can answer her hp even in the toilet what!! If me, also drive off! : )

  5. Those singapore paus - what is inside them?

  6. You didnt dumped her after all but you did dumped me by the roadside LOL! AND I mizzed all the nice food you people ate...hmmmpf

  7. Wenn: tempting but not healthy ..hahhaa..once awhile ok though..

    foongpc: right, what is nice is not healthy, it is not fair, right? this is called sinful food... eh, we ladies nv take hp to toilet la.. we dont want to end up buying a new one..hahaha....
    btw, sg pau have ikan bilis , cucumber one piece inside... nice la..

    Elin: sorry, we dumped u instead.. how could we...we compensate u back tomorrow sorry leh..i personally give u a treat.. OK?? :)

  8. The fried noodle looks so yummy! Really making me hungry. Sometimes those road side stalls make better food than those high class restaurants. I had once tried to call my colleague on the handphone and knock on the hotel door for more than 15 minutes but still no answer. He called back after half and hour and said that he is sleeping and didn't hear...He really sleep like a pig as our noise knocking on the door might wake the other room people already. sigh.

  9. wahliow...the rojak looks so delicious and fresh ler....spicy popiah...damn, i like spicy popiah...

  10. All the dishes looks good... now you got me hungry for supper! :-)

  11. Superman: last night i didnt take dinner, i made myself hungry looking at my own pics.. hahaha...

    Via: yes, some road side stalls are tastier...

    Boeyjoey: lets go for supper! i m hungry too..hahhaa...

  12. Awww...these are the typical kuihs that I always buy to makan too. ha :D

  13. But it's hard to find the fried jackfruit here in Malacca. I love cempedak. The fragrance can be sensed...miles away. :p

  14. I love such roadside stalls!!! Very nice...and not expensive!!! Ah...good! I see that they cover the food...not like those stalls I saw in Sg Petani! And SO MANY flies!!!....But I don't think I can sit on those blue plastic chairs! Hahahahahaha!

  15. Tekkaus: once awhile eating these kuehs are alright..not healthy though.. :)

    STP: yes, over here in ipoh, not many road side stalls anymore... only a selective few which u can find at the roadside, not so healthy ma.. most of them moved to food courts unless they r in residential area..

  16. all these in ipoh??? reanaclaire i really have to stop reading your blog...i really have the urge to go there.....HAHAAHAAHAHa.....everything looked so delicious....and you can tell from just the look me :)

  17. I loved road side food.. not just is quite cheap but we can find a lot of variety.. and you can eat whatever 'style' you want. Dislike with the aircondition restaurants.. behave..behave.. hahaha

  18. I was like Ahhh..., Wahhh.... while looking at the pictures. They are my all-time favourites too! Yummy

  19. woooo, more food! after raya, i cant stop eating lah, maybe already plus another 4 kilos edi, sigh

  20. Manglish: please dont go away la... it is for yr benefit otherwise u wont hurry hurry back to Malaysia.. hahaha....

    C.Alv.B: yes, during my younger days, all food were sold on the road side..and it tasted more yummy.. but then those days, there were not many cars less pollution..

    mNhl: thanks for coming by.. do drop by more often for the aaahss... hahaa...

    My Reality: 4kg is nothing, it is less than 10 carry on eating, fren...:)

  21. i shouldn't came dropping by your blog now. those food make me hungry again and i just had my lunch...

  22. Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine!

  23. Nice to find so many yummy food at one place.

  24. U make miss Penang, Claire... Penang mee goreng oso like this... something to die for!

  25. i like mee rojak, the "kuah is so tasty and appetizing.

  26. wowww.... yummy!!!!!! Great friend you all have.. turn a big round for her... hehehhe.. I will do the same thing.. ^_^

  27. Pasembur for me, my all time favourite! Now its time for dinner! Just cooked special sauce chicken and mozarella cheese salad with orange! he he he!

  28. mama mia: dont say like that la.. do come again few times per day.. hahaa...

    AnnieQ, me too, esp when they r still warm...

    CKlam: yes, these are the few left over stalls in IPOH...

    Hazel: the rojak is different from the chinese type.. i like the kuah too..

    CathJ: haha.. she was harping about it in the car whole afternoon.. hahaha...

    Pete: ok, i hop over in awhile to see what is for me.. :)

  29. just come back from work.. not yet have my dinner yet.. [but still online to wait sweat dry a bit.. =.="]
    so hungry seeing your pic.. T.T

  30. foong, pumping milk is no easy task leh. need both hands one u know.. :P

  31. Dolly: go eat yr dinner now.. i m very full already ler.. makan steamed fish tonight with my girl..

    Merryn: i know, i know..that was why we went back to take her for lunchie at road side stall.. hahaha..cannot leave her hungry one..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...