Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cooling Stuff For Us..

I seem to be taking a lot of indian food these two days... now that I remember, only yesterday I took roti canai, two different types, one is roti telur (egg bread) and one is roti pisang (banana bread) .... both of these were Fernie's favorite, they were for her lunch but I ended up sharing them with her. Eating these roti canai-s are quite heaty, we must have a cooling drink to "contra" off the heatiness and we love coming here for our tau foo far (beancurd drink).

This stall is operated in Perak Stadium food court, opened in the mornings till late afternoons, he sells a few types of ice blend fruit drinks, soya bean, black bean and tau foo far with tong yuen. Another reason I love coming here is that he keeps the place very clean, unlike the other stalls... :)

roti pisang...(banana)

roti telur (egg)

curry chicken (minus the meat)

and my favorite, tau foo far
with soya bean plus tong yuen...


  1. Haro can you please slow slow come.. panting,[gasp..] [puff..] to catch up with you out of breath chasing you. Just came back from Diwali open house eating hot stuff now egg roti canai aiyoyo can see and smell smoke coming out your ears already.

  2. roti pisang...long time i din eat roti fav roti is roti sardin and roti puri (puff bread)

  3. roti pisang...never try before.
    It looks like roti canai with pisang in between.

  4. I guess only the last one's cooling... Those rotis something like murtabak leh? Not oily kah? LOL!!!

  5. cheah: that meal was for on friday.. hehehe.. my girl likes the roti canai kind of stuff but dont take so often..heaty and oily , yeah...

    Via: i dont like actually.. very oily... but puri is ok... crispy and swollen like a bomb! hahaha..

    MeRy: yes, banana in between the canai..sweet :)

    smallkuching: very oily hor? all canai-s are oily la.. dont take so often...very gemuk for me...

    STP: no, murtabak is different.. u mean u dont have this type over there in sibu? then u must eat when u come here... :)

  6. Reanaclaire, honestly, I never see banana bread (roti pisang) here at KK....wondering if they got it at KL or Malacca. Flying to KL on December...wondering if I can find this delicious roti when I'm there...;)

    Seriously, I don't like eating roti canai or martabak...LOL

  7. yeah,, indian food is hot any spicy, and thats why they have that cooling beverages, but i forgot what its called, my indian friend told me lah

  8. eh...the last one seems interesting. never try before. will try next time. hehe...

  9. I never been served roti pisang which comes with sugar

  10. Mauve: over here, they hv all sorts of roti made by indians.. u be amazed...

    My reality: i think it is yogurt, right? or lassee something.. cooling...

    Gab: no problem.. u can try that in perak stadium food court.. when r u coming?

    BF: yes, some dont like curry, they give sugar.. for kids normally..

  11. Hi claire, thanks for dropping by. have a nice day! :-)

  12. why ur roti pisang got sugar next to it? over here, they add it in ody..

    ur tau foo fah definitely unique leh. with soya bean n that ball ball..

  13. Never been there to eat the TFF... must try 1 day, never knew got this kind of combi...

  14. Reading this, I must resist the temptation ... cannot go or I will be too fat!

  15. i hvn't tried the tong yuen with tau fu fa..

  16. Juliet..welcome..

    Merryn: ipoh got special taufoofar one..can add in 2 balls with fillings too.. next time u got to try...

    Agnes: besides tff, got the ice blend honey melon with soya, strawberry with soya... geng one..

    William: dont talk about being fat here..very sensitive word.. hahhaa.. somemore, u r so thin..

    wenn: u know where, right?

  17. i don't know much of indian food but i love their curry.. weeee..

  18. Hi thanx for dropping by ....

    i myself love roti pisang itself without any dahl or curry.

  19. Karlota, indian food are simple and cheap but some can be pretty oily...

    Kat: true true.. it can just be eaten like that...original..

    Ummi: sedap ya?? hahaha...

  20. we got tao fu fa in Kuching but no tong yuen.waa...sedap!

  21. ah ngao: next time buy one packet home and just add in.. sama juga...

  22. oh wow, i miss the soya bean tong yuen. Especially the peanut filled ones.. yummy!

  23. ladyviral: nice and smooth...yeah, got groundnuts or black sesame fillings...:)

  24. War..the roti telur sure looks nice! Which reminds me that I haven't had any like for ages. :p

  25. Tau fu fah with tong yuan, haven't try it yet!

  26. I like roti tisu. Crispy. And I like to dip my roti with sugar then, curry. hehe...great combinations. Ahh...Seremban also got that soya bean with tong yuen. Nice!

  27. Tekkaus: it is cheap too.. only 1.50 per piece...

    Pete: that is an optional choice... they will ask whether u want to add or not...

    mNhL: roti tissue is a giant tower.. haha.. so u r from seremban?

  28. Yum Yum!!! I love roti pisang too!!!!

  29. annieQ: my girl also loves.. but too oily to my liking..

  30. Oh my!!Sooo D-R-O-O-L-E-D over here,Claire!!What have your food done to me?!!\(^0^)/


Thank you, readers!

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