Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hello .. hello...

Now my feelings are more settled, not as unsettled during the last weekend. Time heals our emotions, right? What am I babbling about??

For the last few days, I have been bringing my laptop to office cos my office pc does not allow chatting, it has been blocked... meebo, ebuddy, msn, yahoo, skype, etc.etc... all Kaput! Blocked!! (any other link suggestions?) So that left me no choice but to bring my own laptop and using the another wifi line to connect... aha... then only I can chat... with who??? Of course with Aaron, no else.. Because of our time difference, the only economical way is to chat through online. One call to Italy cost me RM 1.21 per minute and I dont talk only for 1 minute, mine can last many many minutes... (yes, this month bill will be sky high....)

Since he is staying in a hotel, he has to pay 8euro per day if he wants the Internet connection... no point spending that amount for just a few hours... so now the only way we keep in contact is during his daytime and my night time... Now that I am home, I have more excuse to be glued to the computer... priority is always here...

our windows on skype...

his 1st day in Rome...

Here is a brief update of his daily schedule, he wakes up at 6am, shivering to the coldness of the floor, he will go for a hot shower before leaving for work. His journey takes about 20 min. by bus to his office. There are about 3000 employees in this factory and he is now under a very nice and helpful italian boss. Each day he goes to the canteen, savoring all sorts of italian food, so much so that he does need some new pair of pants in no time... lol.... Weather is getting colder and colder each day, something like Gentings during the day but freezing cold during the night...

That is all for now, it is going to be a week since he has left for Italy... as for me here, whenever I need to hear his voice, all I got to do is Dial and Say Hello B....


  1. Glad can feel your smile now.. Like I said earlier you gonna be OK and presume the first few days seems like years right? Yeah time will surely and slowly heal the 'vacuum' in you. Cheers:)

  2., quite complete update. hehe...

  3. cheah: thanks.. guess u understand better.. will seek yr advice when i m a bit sengat again.. hahhaa...

    Gab: not so complete..briefly.. haha.. u have anything to add?

  4. hi there. it's been a long time since i drop by here. are you doing fine? Yeah, luckily there is internet and the messenger to connect people from different places effectively.

    do take care and don't worry. 3 months very fast one :) hee..

  5. Reana,
    So the lovesick fever is gone now can chat with Aaron. Haha I laugh because you brought your lap top to office...wa so geng wan..lovesick till lappy go to office with you :p

  6. don't worry..time really flies..

  7. wensher: 3 months can be fast if everyday eat, sleep, eat sleep.. of course blog also la.. hahhaa...

    elin: tomorrow lets have a date ok?

    wenn: yes, hope it does but then i age fast too, right? :)

  8. hahaha! ehh, have to work also.. :P

  9. aaaaaaawwwwww... so sweet, thanks to the world of internet kan, connecting ppl, if call mahal, then sms lor, cheaper mah :) he is enjoying himself there man :)

  10. Woooo, Italian food....pasta pasta pasta....with pancetta....yum yum! Glad you managed to chat with Aaron!

  11. Woooo, Italian food....pasta pasta pasta....with pancetta....yum yum! Glad you managed to chat with Aaron!

  12. charlene: work hard for the money hor? no la..enjoy yrself too, ok!

    Pete: like nokia..connecting people.. heheh... yes..pasta all the way..he said put on weight a lot now..

    Irene: hope he does enjoy.. me here lau hau sui only.. wishing i can be young again too..

  13. Pheww, he is ok.. still 1 piece... dont worry... ^_^

  14. How great you can still be in touch with your son daily even though you are far apart.

  15. Glad that you are able to chat with Aoran. :) Ouh..your office allow you to use your won lappie during work? :p

  16. CathJ: later will be a bigger version piece of Aaron too :)

    Cheryl: if there is no Internet, then phone bills will be sky high...

    Tekkaus: no choice... cos during the last few days, the system was down.. i have to use wifi to connect to the world..hahaha.. no, now no more, i cannot bring..

  17. No worry! I am here to accompany you..heheheh~

    Call him la......get to hear his voice...few seconds also good! :)

  18. Technology brings people closer :). Look and us and you :) hehehe

    Skype call directly save money! No need call hp lah :P.

    Oh you should cover the name more it is still quite visible :).

  19. I suggest just cover it all and change it hahahaha :P.

  20. Ladyviral: yeah, thanks to the cyberworld.. but he cannot use skype in the office to chat.. with the webcam and mic.. mana boleh.. hahaha..
    about the name, actually what for want to cover, huh... i was thinking.. anyone can chat with me.. :)

  21. ahhh..your B is very handsome. Must be enjoying his stay in Italy :D

  22. Me just a 'cross come people' "kor lei yan" sharing my experience and no expert lah haha..

  23. I always use skype to call. as long as you have internet service, you can call using skype and it is really. I really like skype!

  24. Barb: yes, he does.. young ppl, they like.. i envy them too.. :)

    Cheah: no doubt about that.. thus it is good to seek advice from u.. :)

    Superman: yes, we spoke thru skype during the weekend.. but during the week days, we cannot.. so have to chat online.. yes, i m beginning to love skype too!

  25. When I read about this post, it reminds me of my dad. When we went overseas, dad forced himself to learnt about the Internet things so he can communicate with us. A great mum u sure Aaron will feel safe and close to home no matter how far he is now.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Aaron must be enjoy his stay in italy, enjoy the yummy italian food, and i'm sure he will put on weight when he is coming back in three months time.:)

  28. Let go...let go...! He's a grown man now, spreading his wings and flying away... You'll just have to learn to let every other parent when the time comes.

  29. AnnieQ: yes.. let him enjoy as much as he can before he really starts working officially..

    STP: hey, dont say so loud loud ah.. yr turn will come next year leh.. :)... Letting go sure have let go.. ever since they start going college, they leave the home nest already.. missing them is another issue.. koret or not?

  30. Dun be sad, he's jes a fon call away. :)

  31. True anyone can chat with you...

    But with that, people who are hackers / virus platners also can add you now :x.

  32. slavemom: yes, just a call away.. now not so bad as first few days.. :)

    ladyviral: dont think they wanna chat with an old mum here.. but just take precaution, yeah.. thanks for the advice .. :)

  33. hi reana, i'm finally here! i hope aaron and you are having good chats these days..

  34. Wah so good, can bring own laptop to office and chat. Wont u get caught? I mean since office don't allow the staff to chat, is it OK u use ur own pc for chatting?

    Btw, tell Aaron Vatican Museum is a must go place! Cant remember which Sunday, not sure is it the last Sunday of the month that you can enter without paying entrance fee.

  35. cheeyee: thanks for the advice to my lappie .. just for those few days cos my office system was down and couldnt do any work online.. now of course, i dont bring it anymore.. :)
    oh..i must tell my son then..


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