Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hot Stuff On Deepavali Day!

Today is a special day for the hindus, it is Deepavali, a festival of lights... (ooopps...i got it right...) ok, i cut out the information on this, (anyone who wants to know more, just click Mr.

After my marketing this morning, I prepared myself to go "walloping" in my ex colleague's house. Me and my friend went around 11am, I was very hungry, saving my "stomach" to wallop my colleague's hot and spicy lunch....

Upon reaching we could smell the spicyness of the curry, all the way from the kitchen, it made me sneezed and coughed.. oh gosh!! Must be really "hot stuff" man... (I swallowed my saliva....yucks...hahhaa.... )

After some small talk, we were ushered to the dining hall.. hehee... time to feast... since there were only three of us including the host, every dish was cutely laid on the table, from hot to sweeties were awaiting for us to feast upon.... yummmmmy!!

our small gift to the host....

so articulately clean...

amazed by this "love scene"

ok, lets snap what we were served... lol..

spicy hot chicken..

spicy hot eggs...

hot curry chicken...

spicy hot mutton...

thanks to this, i survived the spicyness..

and this too...some cooling effect to my tongue..

nasi briyani...

home made muruku.. very crispy and good!

kacang puteh... mixed...

ok, time for guessing..
what actually made me coughed and sneezed??

(I think it was all due to
Donna Summer's Hot Stuff....)


  1. Namaste Happy Diwali, lovely food

  2. nice one...super delicious food. drooling ad...hehe...

  3. Eiiiii, Claire, please go and curi the spicy chicken recipe for me please.... T_T it looks heart stoppingly deliciousssss....

  4. So many good looking and delicious plates! Must have been a great lunch :-)

  5. Lucky you! Our Hindus community here is very small. So we hardly got invited!

  6. So delicious...Yummy...I like to eat Hot stuffs.

  7. cheah: pandai cakap

    Gab: sorry, didnt get to tar pau for u this afternoon.. pls excuse this old auntie for forgetting...

    Jarlin: i sure did enjoy the hot hot stuff! ahhahaha..

    Cleffairy: ok i see what i can do.. how to curi, copy and paste for u.. :)

    IcyBC, thanks for coming by, yes, the lunch was wonderful...

    William: over here 1Malaysia concept, what race also got.. :)

    MeRy: wow u love hot too? as for myself, i cannot take too spicy.. my tongue is like on fire! :)

  8. hmmm... I nearly drove over to Perak to your friend's house when i saw the home made Murukku... I'm craving for home made Murukku as i posted one entry Murukku Where are you?

    Happy Diwali

  9. OMG......I just ate the most delicious gulai kambing just now and now I found myself drooling over the picture of your mutton curry....this it legal to make me suffer like this????

    Thanks for commenting my blog, if u find that post hilarious then i suggest u read other posts as well...hahaha i'm so thick face in promoting my blog

  10. Love that tell me was your stomach after eating variety of spicy food? *smile*

    Happy Deepavali!

  11. TZ: come come..i will ask him to tar pau a bit bit for u.. really..his murukus were really crispy.. not the hard hard ones...

    Eric, ok.. might as well add u up so that i can take my own sweet time to read the other posts as well.. :)

    Mauve: the feeling is like.. the stomach is creating some uric acid to cover the burning ingredients inside it now.. and i feel kind of hot inside..and i just took an orange... am i making sense? hahhaa..

  12. Hey Claire, so siok la u ni ...can enjoy the Deepavali food. And all those hot and spicy food very "ngam" to me leh! Look so sedap.

  13. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh...... habis food reviewer come for deepavali... hahahhaha...


  14. would love the spicy hot chicken..

  15. i am so impressed with the house! the living room i mean. everything's like sooo neat!!!

    n claire, ppl macam u all. before the food can be serve.. photo is a must.. hahahahha

  16. All of them look very tempting. I love spicy food, tho not too spicy.

  17. Amy: once a year affair.. deepavali day must go to this house.. hahaa.. good food..

    CathJ: mari mari..makan curry...

    Wenn: hot hot spicy .. very.. really...

    Merryn: i m very innocent la.. the KS u wanted to mention.. do mention la.. why shy..

  18. yes Mary, I dont take too spicy food as well...

  19. happy deepavali~
    it seem u enjoy the day~
    thats good and same to me as well~

  20. thanks Kwongfei for coming by as well.. hope u enjoy your weekend too..

  21. Wah so much nice spicy year I follow you there! Can or not?

  22. Pete: sure or not.. dont talk talk only ,...sure can ...will ask him to issue invitation..

  23. Wow! so much hot stuffs. Remember to drink some coconut water ya. Wouldn't want you to fall sick and MC from your blogs. Love them.

  24. Wah! Your friend's house so nice and clean...and cooked so much some more! Must be a real good homemaker, lucky hubby! LOL!!!

  25. Small Kuching: that was what i did actually..on the way back i bought a packet of coconut water and drank it.. coooooolll.. hahhaa...

    STP: spick and clean, right? well, the man who invited us is actually a bachelor and his house is taken care of by his sisters .. :)

  26. can forget your diet here..

  27. I love the muruku! Wow, so much heaty food there. Coconut water is also good for cooling down the body.

  28. Beng,,,please dont remind me.. now i feel heavier.. hahhaa...

    HF MUMMY: yes i ate only a piece, dare not eat much... yes,coconut water helps...

  29. oh the yummy food. i got my deepavali open house next week :).

    I can't wait to go hehehe.

  30. Happy Deepavali! get to eat so many delicious food. I'm so hungry! :p

  31. The spicy chicken and mutton looks delicious! Must eat with hands only got ummphh. Err...I guess you sneeze and cough on that spicy chicken?

  32. wah,claire..makan,makan,makan.your stomach can really tahan all the hot & spicy food ler..:D.

  33. wah!! hot hot hot!! I'm not eating, i also can feel the "HOT"!! But hor, the food looks so yummy!!! hahhahahha

  34. lol at Donna Summer's Hot stuff!!The foods are all spicy and hot including Claire!!\(^0^)/


Thank you, readers!

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