Saturday, October 31, 2009

Laptop Goes Missing Again..

11.43pm... Lynn just called to tell me about her lappie... few months ago, a thief broke into her house to steal her laptop besides other things as well. Then two months ago, she bought a new one and just yesterday, her husband took the laptop to a repair shop for some installation. This afternoon when he went back to the shop to collect the laptop, the boss told him that there was a robbery and his laptop was one of the items taken!

Lynn groaned..."hak moe?" (bad luck or not?) In a matter of months, 2 laptops stolen!!

Well, I consoled her saying that if her husband was in the shop when the robbery happened, it might have been worst... having a scare of his life and might be dangerous too.. as long as no one gets hurt, material things can be replaced.. no doubt heart break... The man told them that he would compensate, how true it is, yet to know.. hope he does)

(Lynn, moe sum toong, ok? count your blessings that no one is hurt)


  1. OMG for me i sure cried very hard! two times within a month?!!!! MAD >_<"

  2. Feel sad for ur fren..since the shop boss is goin to compensate,then is ok la.

  3. goshhh, very sad, and yeah, lucky no one that hurt, that is the most important thing, nowdays very dangerous one, stab there, kill here, langgar sana, tembak sini, very scary. best of luck to all!

  4. damn..its not the laptop..most important is the photos...can it be retrieve.. how can a new laptop being sent for repair in just 2 months? so lau beh meh?

  5. quite lucky this time coz lost while repairing, at least he said he will compensate. hope he can compensate the data as well, dont know how he's gonna do that though.

  6. Oh Claire..not again! Poor Lynn..ya the shop will have to compensate in that case. They have insurance so don't worry...only thing is it may take a while before she gets her compensation. They have to claim from the insurance before they compensate her I think.

  7. How sad that this has happened twice to your friend. Hope she gets a new laptop soon!

  8. War...why so "sui"? Or is it the shop owner robbed it? :(

  9. Things lost can be replaced like what you said. Luckily no one hurts in that robbery. Now, it's not safe lo...if i were met with the robbery, I think I will give them just anything as long as they didn't harm me ~ fuh!!

  10. so sorry to hear that..anyway, it can be replaced..

  11. makes me NOT WANT To buy a laptop.. not that i could afford one.. ahahaha. but seriously, 2 engineers in our area at work have been robbed of laptops and raped at the same time.. :(

  12. aeiween: not within a month, but within a few months... she just bought a new one 2 months ago..

    MeRy: hope he does.. cos there is no receipt whatsoever..

    My reality: 4 guys in motorcycle.. armed with a parang.. terrible. now opened area shops also in danger...

    aminos: data of course cannot be replaced.. mostly photos of her baby...

    Elin: i guess prayers are much needed this time.. i told her already..she asked me to blog about this last night.. she couldnt believe she is so black.. doesnt know to laugh or cry... poor lynn...

    cheryl: yes, pity her.. i told her to get a desktop, might be safer..

    tekkaus: i asked her this question too.. :0 but owner said he will compensate but how much? see how ...

    amy: yes, that was what i told her.. but to lose 2 laptops within a matter of 6 months.. sigh.... sum toong...

    wenn: yes, can be replaced.. money matters..

  13. karlota: ohgosh.... really? that is terrible.. nightmare. ..

  14. karlota: ohgosh.... really? that is terrible.. nightmare. ..

  15. wah, really hak zai le your least it's just material loss...take that as a blessing...and yea, Ipohan here...

  16. the bad lucks all gone lor... :)

  17. so sorry to hear the lost. My laptop and hubby were stolen too. Can't believe that there are many bad people out there who gain from our lost. So sad and frustrating indeed.

  18. the shop should be responsible in giving back a new laptop or compensate for a new one.. it wa sunder their responsibility... eventually you never know it is their own doing to cheat customer's laptops.

  19. chinese wordings: yes..she said hak kor mutt tau.. hahhaa..

    medic007: prayerfully no more..

    tiee: u too? if no one buys 2nd hand laptops then these robberies wont happen so often.. i wonder who they sell them to...

    Ladyviral: that was my initial tot too.. later i have to go with her to the shop and showed him the receipt..

  20. Crime is getting out of control nowadays!


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