Sunday, November 1, 2009

Homecoming Meal

One of the requests from Andy when he reached home was "Mi, please feed me with home cooked food...." oh dear... that was what I feared, I do not go marketing often, now that he is back, I got to... I am sure this statement is quite common among our youngsters... Though yours truly here only knows a few selective dishes, he really doesn't mind. LOL.... But lately, I learn a few good dishes from my good fren, Elin, but of course, not as delicious looking as hers...

these were our dinner yesterday....

ahh.. my new profound dish from u-know-who..
Buttered Japanese Taufoo with Chicken Meat..
(original recipe no chicken meat)

A-Must-Dish for Andy
guess no need to introduce anymore...
(i bet u all jemu already)

vegetable egg soup for Andy..

this is mine!! I want more vege...
more fibre for older lady...
(san choy with egg)


  1. oh nice nice food.. I remembered those time when I stay in hostel, come home mesti must kana have 'char siew' and it's got to be my dad!

    nothings compare to mummy's food la.. :D

  2. Hi Reanaclaire, there is no spectacle on Earth more appealing than that of a mother cooking for her loved ones.
    Any son or daughter will love a mother like you.

    And believe you me, when he checks out a SYT's resume when thinking of settling down, I'm sure he'll look for, 'cooking talents....'. Ha ha.

    For me, my wild bachelor days ended when a girl invited me home for dinner....the third invitation I was hooked! Line and sinker! Ha ha.

    And my wife is not a Nyonya, can't even speak 6 words of Malay, she couldn't cook before she met me, maybe Magee me or boil sangkut me she got her Nyonya and Malay friends to teach her, a 3 months crash course, same time secretly asking friends who knew me my favourite dishes....

    Hum choy pai kuat tong, fish head curry, assam blimbing prawns or fish, tenggiri fish with sambal stuffing to name a few.
    She learned to do all that....and the rest is history.
    Oh ya, she learned to make Nyonya sambal belachan too....that was her secret weapon!!!

    And Reanaclaire, believe you me, your son one day will find a woman like his mother, ahemmm, a pretty one too.
    Have a pleasant week, Lee.

  3. You have an interesting blog. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. cynthia: though i didnt go college, i still miss my mama's dishes as well, she used to cook very nice too, too bad i didnt learn much from her..

    U.Lee: hook u is thru the stomach, eh? i should let my son read this comment, since he enjoys food a lot too, esp home cooked food.. find dsome lady who sacrifices a lot like for U.Lee.. hehehe..

    Elaine: thanks.. do come by often.. :}

  5. nice one...andy so ham fuk...hahaa....

  6. potato chicken! "mommy" next time i go Ipoh, I want that too! :P can ah? can ah?

  7. see la. i need to go cook french fries already because i just see food and drools.

  8. Gab: ham fuk..hahaha...good de u speak cantonese so well now.. u tried this before, right?

    merryn: oh, i suddenly found my long lost daughter who is now residing in KL...hehee...come, anak.. bila-bila saja..

    kellaw: french fries? dont la.. not good for health.. :)

  9. that's least he still loves yr cooking..

  10. Ohh Claire you make me suddenly miss my mommy! :'( I miss her home cook meal also! You know what today i called her then she told me she cook Curry Chicken today.. but then i was away in KL.. Poor me.. cannot eat her food :(

  11. yeah lor...cook more at home and save money. Healthy somemore...

  12. wenn: till he gets married, i think..

    Aeiween: never mind, yr mama will cook more when u go back... :)

    chrisau: waiting for u to belanja us ma.. this kau foo.. bila nak belanja?

  13. Can I join the 'old lady menu' ??? ^_^ because I love that too..

    Kids will ove what their normal food cooked by mom.. sometimes when mom trying too hard they seems doesn't like it..

    Like me.. I love my normal simple cook.. same goes to my hubby.. once they trying hard.. we seems to miss the normal normal cook...hahahah...

    My turn coming soon when my boy grow bigger.. (>_<)"

  14. Oh yes. Whenever I go back to Menglembu, my Mom will automatically goes to the market and feed us with so much food! To them, their kids are always kids and never grown up, isnt it?
    Now with my kids tagging along, my Mom now have to shop double portion! But then, she never complains. Neither do I! Moms food always the best! Have a great day.

  15. Agree with Uncle Lee. Of course Andy would miss your cooking like crazy. No matter how much you say you can't cook or what, for him it's still the best cooking that he ever tasted :)

  16. I imagine you are very happy to have your son home and to be able to cook for him. My daughter asked for chicken noodle soup and a peanut butter sandwich for a meal when she came home from college one weekend! Funny what kids like and want!

  17. What's more satisfy than cooking for our loved one. We make all the mess in the kitchen but feels so happy when watch them enjoying the food...hahaa!!! I love the vege + eggs soup too !!

  18. Mummy's homecooked food is the best. I think you can cook very well. I've never heard of Buttered Japanese Taufoo..looks do you cook it?

  19. haha!!!! claire, keep it up.
    trust me, i used to crave for home cooked food.
    but now, HAHA!!!

    most of the time wouldn't have the appetite to eat at home... or very likely i will cook by myself. haha! into western food.. probably that's why seldom eat at home. =D

  20. hmmmm yummm... nothing in the world tastes better than a mum's cooking. my mum always cooks my favourite food when i go home to visit as well :)

    your son is very lucky. and i am very lucky too to have my 'mi' :)

  21. cathJ: old lady's menu? the vege soup? hhehe.. yes, indeed it is but u r far too young from OLD.. anyway, its good for all ages actually :p

    CY: yes, mothers love to cook for their kids and seeing them walloping the food is a bliss for them! so when going back to menglembu land?

    smallkucing: too bad im working, only certain evenings i cook, for instance, this evening i hv badminton, so buying outside will makedo temporarily.. tomorrow i cook OK? hahaha..

    cheryl: yes, their request varies from A-Z.. we hope they ask for simple meals... :)

    Amy: i guess i have to look into yr blog for more ideas.. as well as in other food bloggers too! :)

    mummygwen: that recipe I "curi" from hehe.. u can check it out there..

    AL: he loves western too but i dont do much on that (cos i dont know how to...)

    PengPeng: Hope u go back often to taste her cooking then.. MI, MI.. i wan this, i want that.. hahahaa...

  22. bravo bravo hahahaha..i always ask my mum for home cooked meal wen i go back during holiday full of love hahahah

  23. Many youngsters don't like homecook foods when they are at home. When there are outside, they will miss homecook food. :)
    Nice foods you got there for your son. Lucky son.

  24. homecooked food is the bestest! :D

  25. manglish: so when r u going to eat your food cooked with full of love again? :)

    superman: yes, sort of absence makes the heart grows fonder.. but in no time, he will ask for outside food again cos this time he will be back for 2 months.. :p

    Mamamia: bestest food.. haha.. i love those wordings..

  26. Hi Claire

    People miss something only when they don't have it, or when something is not there any more. Only then will they appreciate what you have been doing for them all this while. That's the reality of life.

    Hey thanks for linking my other blog :)

  27. Oh the food are, reana...

    I sure love all the dishes you made :). When can I try too? :P

  28. Nice and yummy dinner....but what's san choy? It looks like 'cangkuk manis' for me. I'm a vege lover to...kita serupa....

  29. CV: easy to cook, u want the recipes? :)

    kev: i wanna learn english too :)

    ladyviral: anytime u wan.. all easy dishes.. can be done within an hour.. :)

  30. I like the last dish,, soup soup and vegi vegi,, if i am not mistaken, that's the vegi for pan mee right?

  31. Ummi: san choy is the .. purplish stalk and big leaves.. i dont know what it is called..

    eugene: no, not the pan mee, this one is good in irons.. purplish one and big leafy ..

  32. it's ironic.

    my daughter enjoys eating out but i can imagine when she eventually goes to boarding school, she will crave home-cooked food.

    is that the same with Andy?

  33. these food are also what my mom used to cook minus the buttered jap tofu. i think i'll try that soon :D andy is so lucky lah.

  34. doc: yes, he does crave now, at least.. lol.. last time when he was still in the house, he never made any requests at all...anyway, i dont always cook, maybe one week, 3 or 4 times only... :)

    Barb: the japanese taufu, they like to eat so this time, i followed elin's recipe.. making them buttered..

    little prince mummy: hunger fulfilled..hahaa...

  35. the dishes are simple delicious and nutrition..good cook u are.

  36. i like the traditional vegetable with egg soup...taste nice ler...

    yesterday watched the France Open....saw Koo and Tan played so beginner only

  37. hazel: dont make me blush.. i know where i stand.. hahaa.. thanks anyway..

    via: 1st set, they sapu-ed so easily so i tot 2nd set no problem.. but tengok tengok, their placing was out .. too many drops for them, they cannot take .. markis is still too good for them.. if the korean lee yong dae were in, our boys sure cannot masuk final too.. they can only win over the danes.. still need more training .. but our juniors were good, eh.. from 16-20, they can win the rubber set.. phew.. i tot they can tar pau already then...

  38. Aww...home cooked food by mummy. I missed that too! If I met up with my mum, 1st thing on my mind will be requsting her to cook my favourite dish. Mummy's homecooked is always the best.

  39. Yeah! I can understand that Claire. Whenever I came back from Uni, I wanna eat my mum's cooking too. :p

  40. mNhL: bet your mum is all happy to cook for u too..

    Tekkaus: ahh.. during your Uni days.. how about now? :P

  41. Wah mum, it makes me more hungry now..hehe..miss those food and also home cook hungry now..

  42. Good mum! They love home cooking...especially having been eating out all the time. Everything seems so nice! That special ingredient - the parent's love - makes all the difference!

  43. Hehe even though u dont cook often but I bet you enjoy cooking for your son right? :)

  44. Great that Andy is home; happy for you! All yummy home cooked food prepared with love by mummy... Until today, I stillprefer my mum's cooking :-D

  45. that's very lovely home meal. I love all of them. Totally agree with you that sometimes it's tough when our children wants food, esp good food. These days, I ask them to choose fr my blog & I'll cook for them hehe

  46. I see nice food cooked by the beautiful and clever Claire ...your tofu looks great...I am sure your son loves it :)) Well done...and I heard you are baking chocolate chips cookies for your kids. Great Mom after all. I will teach you new dishes your children will love , later :)

  47. Ahhh, tofu is healthy dish, I love smooth tofu!

  48. yeah...the junior also i saw until so gan jeong....they save 4 match points...i think the indons pair very sad and cant accept the defeat....hehehe

  49. son, next time i will do the same for u.. perhaps more by the time u come back, i know how to cook more dishes.. thanks to auntie elin..

    STP: cooking with a passion? yeah, i know u do the same for your girl as well..

    cheeyee: not everyday i get to cook for him.. cos i m working.. but evening, i will try to do some simple dishes..

    Boeyjoey: all mums leave behind their trademarks, right? hahaha...

    marymoh: yes, that is one special thing being a mum.. no matter how naughty they r, we r ever forgiving and we try to give them our best.. :)

    elin: all credit goes to u.. u not only display yr recipe but u taught me in real.. face to face wor..special attention, so sure can turn out one..hahaa...

    Pete: they only love japanese taufoo.. not the local ones..

    Via: yea, disappointed with themselves.. he kept hitting the ground.. so cham...

  50. hahaha... whenever i go back hometown, i will call my mom to pre-order home cooked food! hahahaha! exactly like your son! home cooked food is always the best!

  51. yes, yes..homecooked is always the best eventhough it doesnt taste as good as the outside stalls..


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