Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Gift From FoongPc

When I reached home from office, I was surprised to see a brown package on my table. For a moment, I couldn't recall what it might be, but after reading my name on the package, a blogger by the name of FoongPc came into my mind... I am sure by now, many of us here knows who FoongPC is, am I right? He is one great blogger who blogs endlessly about his trips lately, his adventures as a backpacker. His latest random post made me laughed... ladies, gentlemen, go read this post... u might be the one he is looking for!! LOL....

Ok back to this topic, I wanna thank you, FoongPC (if u r reading this) for allowing me to win this great RA+d tshirt. (first time in history I won, very big issue already!) I guess u allow me to win cos this is really my size..LOL...

Some of you may agree with me that FoongPC is a generous guy, I remember when he came back from Guilin, (if i m not mistaken), he handed out some souvenirs to his fellow bloggers as well, (Tekkaus, I love the mini mahjong u chose! LOL...

Once again, FoongPc, thanks for your gift!

a personal note
signed with a smiley..

My COOL "I heart KL" shirt!

oh, see the specs on the bed?
while arranging the tshirt,
i saw my girl's specs on the bed
a bad habit of hers..

she will "receive" a scolding from me soon!
(maybe she is hinting for a new pair... )


  1. haha..
    i know who is he also.. and i used to think he is a girl b4, until he showed his bulu kaki.. It would be very pity for a girl if she has bulu kaki like that.. hahaha...

  2. Hey, "scolding" will be too painful. What about a "lecture"? Hmmm, 20 years from now, she will be "lecturing" you.

  3. Voon: terima kasih.. :)

    Donna: maybe u tot his name is foong, u tot he is a girl? :)

    bean: i better not let her see your comment.. bad influence.. LOL...

  4. Why "scold" your daughter she is creative to put the glasses there looks cool. Aiya thot you'd wear the T shirt do some hip hugging poses.."ho saat mong" (disappointed)..:( haha

  5. claire, i like foong's handwriting! so nice eh? but the T-Shirt cantik jugak.. :)

  6. wahhh best got free gift from some1

  7. why would u wanna scold ur girl for that specs there wo?

  8. Cheah: no, u misunderstood already.. i saw her specs on the bed so i arranged it on the tshirt.. snap it so that got proof she left it on the bed.. (maybe she is hinting for a new pair :)

    Merryn: yo, u so observant one.. hehee.. actually i also intended to show off his beautiful handwriting too.. i can never write like thast...

    Cath J: yeah, foongpc takes care of his bloggers.. hahaa..

  9. medic007, she left it there.. on the bed.. bad habit..

  10. wah... so lucky! can fit u anot, since u makan so much lately..hehehe

  11. Cool! Just nice for you to wear to BBWBS

  12. chrisau: even if cannot fit, i will dieeeeet till i do.. hehehe...

    smallkuching: oh.. what is BBWBS leh?

  13. Claire, I so love that shirt; reminds me of my stay there. I wonder where I could buy that shirt. hmmm

  14. The Big Bad Wolf Books sale le. Come to KL la. Got lotsa fiction books. School hols some more

  15. Rean: What a nice shirt from a friend. I often share with my blog readers. It is fun to do.

  16. He is indeed a generous blogger. hahaha :D Still remember the mahjong set that he gave me? :p

  17. cecile: when r coming to KL?

    pete: thanks, indeed it is..

    smallkucing: i check with the date.. yes,.. sounds attractive..

    fishingguy: that is generous of u too!

    tekkaus: yes, i sure remember cos that mahjong set is cute!

  18. Congratulations to you on your win.

  19. Nice t-shirt! It is great to win a prize.
    Going to buy a new pair of specs for your daughter? Hehe.

  20. cheryl: thank u...

    chubs: thank you to u too..

    superman: putting specs on the bed is asking for trouble.. have to buy from her own money if the glass breaks on the bed! hahahaha..

  21. Congratulations on the winning. It sure make u feel so happy seeing a parcel waiting for you. Nice T-shirt.

  22. Nice gift :-)

    Hahaha, I LOL too when I read FoongPC's post... so funny!

  23. I also one of FoongPC reader le..

  24. Congrtulations on the winning!

    foong is always generous :). It is nice to know him hehe~

  25. arent u supposed to be posing in the t shirt? hehehe

  26. how come u got the Shuang Hor Ling Zhi box geh....

  27. sjb: sure it is nice.. free one.. hahaa..

    Wenn: migh wear it this weekend..

    cloudia: aloha..thanks for coming by..

    mNhL: indeed a nice surprise..

    keeyit: i think many of us here are his readers as well...

    ladyviral: i think u won something too from his blog, right? :)

    manglish: u r the 2nd person to ask me that.. i might do that...

    Rachel: that tshirt was inside that box..

  28. So nice of FoongPC to send you the t-shirt. Talking about leaving glasses on the bed, I sat on my glasses which I left on my bed when I was 16yo and broke it, haha!

  29. healthfreakmom: u too? she broke hers too few months ago.. that was why i said she gonna get scolding cos i saw them on the bed again!

    Cindy: all thanks to Foong..

  30. Wow!! A very nice blogger!! You must be happy to receive his present. You have a wonderful weekend, dear.

  31. rose, yes.. on and off, he will gives some prizes away..
    u have a good weekend too!

  32. Finally you received the TShirt! I was beginning to wonder why it took so long! Haha!

    Oh, thanks for all the nice words about me! *blush* : )

  33. donna, yeah a lot of readers initially thought I'm a girl. Maybe because of the way I write my post or because of the panda picture? Btw, the panda is a male panda! Or maybe because of my name Foong, although I wonder why. A lot of guys are named Foong! : )

  34. merryn, thanks for praising my handwriting! Maybe because my mom made me write neatly when I was small : )

  35. Thanks ladyviral & tekkaus for your nice words! : )

  36. finally...the main chu kok appeared.. hahhaa.. hope the others can see your comments, Foong..


Thank you, readers!

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