Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Old And The New....

Aaron left his laptop behind for yours truly here to utilize, since the day he did his internship in July. Well, I am of course, ecstatic about it, at least no more "fighting" and hassling with my Girlie over the computer. So now each of us have a laptop and a desktop to use whenever we want, no more negotiating over time factor too!

So normally I like to sit back in my own room, the laptop on my bed and a chair to sit on beside it. But lately I have been suffering backpain.... was it due to this chair??? LOL... It looks disastrous, right? Hey, don't ask me to throw it away, this one sentimental value chor.... it has been with me since I was born leh... and how many years was that... secret, secret... :)

an antique already..
all I did was to put some cushions on and behind it..
sayang to throw it away
Hospital fees will cost RM30...
But I will do it one day...

hey, see what I bought 2 days ago...
cute or not?
Now my bumps will be more comfortable
While the old one goes to "hospital",
this new one will do for now...
Cost me RM47!!


  1. waa...looks sleek.use it nicely,ho?

  2. the poor chair... have been serving for ages liao... i think it is time to let it go. snce you have found a replacement, can send the old chair to retirement home lah.

  3. the new and the old almost look alike..

  4. oh.. nice chair.. I mean the new one la.. once the old ones come out from hospital, I am sure it will be as good too! Actually rattan chair is better..

  5. ah ngao: which, the old or new? hehe.. must be new hor? now at least i can sit in the room comfortably with my lappie..

    ladyviral: u made me laughed with the "retirement home" words.. i cannot be so unloyal one.. must repair first and see how...

    wenn: wah..that is a nice compliment for the old chair.. :)

    cynthia: yes, u r very right, the old chair's rattan are very strong.. just hv to repair the seat and it is as good as new.. maybe more comfortable too..

  6. lol.. after i penat penat post bout the ikea chair.. u so selamba post this chair! :P shiok kan? rattan chair. i love it too.. wanna trade?

  7. merryn, my back pain ma..from the old one, it is pestering me to take it to hospital... now my bumps at least not so painful.. now i m sitting on it in my room with lappie on the bed.. hehe..

  8. har? you brought the chair back ?? I didn't know abt it!

  9. or this rotan chairs. i love them. my late grandma hse a lot of it. and if i got a bigger hse next time, im sure to get few of these... not tat cheap hor, but comfy!

  10. chris: yes.. mum got 2.. i got one.. sentimental value ma.. from chang fong one..hahaha.. so long ago..

    irene: yes..nowadays not many can do these.. and the chairs are lasting too..

  11. wah... antique chair... so u threw it away dy?

  12. u have this ah pek chair...must keep, antique wor. :P

  13. RM47 kira cheap. I asked in Pasar mlm a small rotan chair for kid already rm50+

  14. Wah, been with you since you were born! That long huh!

  15. I like the new one :) but I hope you keep the old one as sovineir hehe.
    I like keeping old things because I feel sad if I throw it away specially If I had it for many years.

  16. I hope you will repair the old one and keep it too.. so nice worth a much reading.. txs for often coming to my blog..

  17. media007, no of course not, i will send it for repair one of these days.. the man told me he can do it.. :)

    miche: yes, repair and use it to the fullest.. sayang to throw..

    pete: sangat lama, yeah.. hahaha..

    weng: if really cannot use, then have to throw..but this one can be repaired...

    housewife: yes, will visit u too.. thanks for coming by..

  18. Can your chair be repaired? I have a chair that has been re-caned several times, I got it when I was about 1 years old, now lets say the chair is over 50 years old! I do like the new chair, looks very comfortable.

  19. i always like rattan chairs..and errr....time to...ahem...cut down on food? hahahahhaha

  20. RM47? Not bad o. Looks very cute. haha :D I think I wanna get one too. perhaps my back need this.

  21. Ayooo...what an old chair you got there... ^_^.. can fix 1 I think.. unless you want it remain unchanged as it is.. ^_^

    yey.. new chair... hihihihi

  22. The old is surely better,,hahahahah

  23. Old school chair!! 'Long time no see' this kinda chair... My grandmum use to have a few... but after she moved to Sbah, I din't get to sit on them anymore... The new 1 looks comfy too!!

  24. wahhh... nice... old and new.. haha!

  25. Nice rattan chair. I also have one which I used sit on to do my homework during schooling time. The chair is still around and are very stong.

  26. The old one is really antique already. Hehe. The new one sure look nicer.

  27. hey, i hope you didn't throw that antique chair away. too much value. it will look really good after it's repaired by the experts :D

  28. Hehe both chairs also I like. :)

  29. Got one shop in oldtown, ipoh..beside the restaurant "hall of mirrors".. he can repair for u n the guy is honest man. i bought my 6 pieces of rotan THERE...ehehhehe

  30. Wah, claire. Now that is one real old antique chair. Haha. Have seen this a lot in my Grandma's place when I was small and never thought can se it again in your post! LOL.

  31. Hey, Claire! Don't just leave the old chair, you can take it back to a rotan shop to repair. Then it will become a new one again!

  32. cheryl: old rattans last longer, that is why i dont want to throw my old rattan chair away.. will send for repair..

    Manglish: that is bad news to me.. cut down food? no way! LOL...

    takkaus: for someone tall like u, buy higher one..otherwise leg cramp.. :)

    sjb: yes, me too.. at least for now it is suitable for me..

    cathJ: yes, sending it to that shop to repair..he said he will charge me rm30...

    eugene: u r ever faithful, huh.. good point though.. :)

    Agnes: yes, i bought that in gunung rapat main road.. perhaps u know which shop i m talking about.. :)

    Henry: both equally comfy to me when the old one is repaired...

    mNhL: u too? i used to sit on the old one while watching tv, playing carrom, chatting with family... anything,..it had served me well!

    Barb: yes, i wont throw it away.. sayang la.. hahaha..

    cheeyee:the old one is more lasting, from the way i compare both...

    Rachel: yeah, i know which shop u r referring to.. been there many years, that shop.. hope his expertise will not stop there...

    CY: hope u dont imagine me as old as yr grandma.. hahaha...and i hope my kids will keep it too..

    cindy: yes, mam...that is what i intend to do.. just the bumps section needs to be repaired.. rm30 also nv mind lo... :)

  33. the old one looks so worn out. You've used it well. hehe...Don't throw lah...you can brag about it to anyone even your great grandchildren. :-). The new one looks great. Nice buy.

  34. I think many have said it. The antique! Send it to a rattan furniture shop and get them to repair nicely. So sayang!!! The new ones...not really tahan lah! Like people in the past...and young people today - all like tofu!!! LOL!!!

  35. tiee: pity the old chair..served me for so long..yeah, will repair and repair.. antique .. hahhaa

    STP: u r very right, we oldies are more tahan-able.. yes, will send one of these days..

  36. i love rottan chair also, nowadays it come no cheap. Hub bought one rottan horsie for the boys, cost about RM50+!!!

    Those big and round one, it cost about 700+!!!

    But it can last for long, just like your old antique chair.:)

  37. walau, well worn and can now be retired so it does not need to hold up those bums!!! BTW, must be the heaviest one in the family that is torturing the poor chair.

  38. AnnieQ, they will be with yr kids till they r happily married or even for their kids.. hahha.. yes, lasting surely...

    bean: who? who??? *hand over the eyes*

  39. Aisay... u're really abusing that chair lah. So 'charn' edi, now oni go "hosp" kah? hahaha

  40. slavemom: cham hor? my big bumps.. i put cushions on top of the chair.. if sit like that, sure fall on the floor..

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