Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Time Of Refreshing With ChrisAu

I met up with one blogger during Christmas Day.. guess who??? No one could ever guess who he is....

He is Chrisau, I think many of us here know him, if you don't, just let your curiousity leads you to his blog. He is an IPOH nang but currently working in Singapore... Funny how this picture turned out.... how come his head is so much larger than mine? My camera's fault? LOL.. Well, he is more brainy, perhaps that is the reason... hahaha...

(Chris, thanks for sharing your info on Baby Bumpers, X, Y, Z and goodness knows what else...with my kids! Sorry, no time to take u jalan-jalan, cari makan.. I guess u were pretty busy too with your family... next time perhaps...CNY?)


  1. Perspective! You stand in front, then you'll look bigger! That's why I would prefer to stand behind or at the back when taking photos. LOL!!!...Hi, Chris!

  2. fast post already! I'm in still in seremban, haven't reach home yet.
    See you in CNY... and had a great xmas this year with you guys!
    Hi there...suituapui!
    oh..nothing, i just shared the bees and birds with your kid and your nieces... :P

  3. I am 2 days late, but still . . . Merry Christmas!

  4. STP: so... it is like that.. ok, now i know where to stand.. hehehe..

    chris: happened few days ago already ma.. so must post by now.. ok, maybe our families are having the cny reunion together..

    gorgeous Mum: hey..never too late here..

  5. Another blogger catch up? really love such gathering aye. :p

  6. nice...maybe i should catch up with some bloggers from Miri too...:)

  7. LOL... Chris is older than me.. but he got dream wanna become my didi! OMG! This Claire... u meet up a lot of ppl but never find me ah!

  8. wow, he's smart I guess... A blessed New Year sis!

  9. tekkaus: yes.. catching up.. hahaa..

    gab: who is from miri ah.. Borneo falcon i think..

    BF: yes.. long time no see this bro...

    cleffairy: he is same age with u? really? no la.he is much older than u la.. he bluffs about his age to u..hahaha...

    kelvin: yes, he is!

    hisunfailinglove: thank u! Happy New Year to u too!

  10. Claire:
    Kim Gary's Polo bun is quite nice.

  11. eh, i've never hopped into his blog before but he look like one friendly dude.. ok chris.. i'll hop into ur blog tomorrow as now.. i need to log out.. coz it's MY bird day! :D

  12. @Merryn... he's a nice guy, I can assure you. He got mimpi wanna be my little bro wan... LMAO! My world can't get any weirder! Ahahahaha.... eh? Merryn... today ur birthday ah? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I tot you're lost in Malacca liao!

  13. hhahahhahaaha of course i know him....just havent seen him so up close AHAHAAHAHAHAAH.....nice nice...must go see u oso wen i am will be my 1st time to ipoh leh.....

  14. hi claire

    Wah, meet the bloggers session or wat? hehehe...

    Merry X'mas!! Never too late as there are 12 days :) Hope your Christmas is filled with plenty of joy with friends and family members, and may the new year of 2010 bring you more good tidings :)

  15. Its interesting that you are able to meet up with fellow bloggers!

  16. wow claire salute u,so many bloggers u met dy huh!

  17. wow claire salute u,so many bloggers u met dy huh!

  18. mingna: ipoh no kim gary.. will try in pg next time...

    merryn: yes, he is friendly, wont bite one.. if he does, tell me! hahaha...

    cleffairy: was he kidding? he going to be 40 soon liow..almost old enough to be your... ahem... dad.. hahaha...

    manglish: ok np..jut tell me when only.. hahaha...

    kev: thanks for the greetings.. yes, met up with chris and now merryn too in KL...hehe...

    Cheryl: yes, interesting to meet up those who blogs .

    amy: no need to salute la.. sometimes just make it possible..

    tagskie: thanks for dropping by..

  19. now claire like celebrity blogger, every week meet up with some blogger, tsk tsk tsk ..i'm jeles. hahahhahahha

  20. annieq: i cannot cook so well as u.. so mine are all outside food...hahaha... not celebrity la.. maybe i kaypor to meet only..

  21. *snarled* when u wanna meet me huh? LOL... haiyorr, Claire...

    Oh yeah... Chris... he's almost Eugene's age, isn't he? LOL... they can kawan la!

  22. claire, you must be always confuse me and Elaine. hahahhahahahah..
    Elaine is the good cook, always cook for many, but not me...i only know how to eat. hahahahhah

    I can always see my name in Elain's blog. hahahahhaha...Elaine said you must buy us ipoh coffee already. LOL

  23. cleffairy: keep yr claws now, lady!!! come to IPOH and u can snarl all u like then.. hahhaa...
    I will tame yr snarls with good food in IPOH.. :p
    yes.. i think chris almost same with eugene or younger by few years..

    annieq/elaine: alamak..very sorry.. both of u keep confusing me.. (i blame it on u, see?) hahaha.. cos either u cook or elaine cook.. yes, both of yr blogs also mentioned each other.. elaine and amber.. annie q and her twin boys.. at least i got this correct, right?

  24. *faints* You're gonna fatten me up ah? OMg... LOL...i wonder if Cikgu put on a few more kg after he met you? LMAO...

  25. cleffairy: if cikgu stays more than a day..i make sure he gains more than he loses.. hahhhaa.... wonder whether he reads this or not!!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...