Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dog Bones, Penis Balls?

My son brought back something interesting from Italy...

Three packets of pasta... BUT
one packet caught Andy's attention..

it was not this...

nor this...


Andy laughed...
Aaron was bewildered..
He took a closer look...
then he also laughed..
all along he thought they were dog-boned shapes!!!

Yeah... they do look like dog bones, huh??

Anyway... whatever they look like
I am going to cook them for dinner tomorrow
Eat the "dog bones" aka "penis balls pasta"
To usher in the Year 2010!!!



  1. Ok now... Aaron must get his eyes check!!! Claire.. I want a piece of that.. I want to frame it up! :D lol...

  2. Dog bones???!! lol.. gosh... my eyes are teary now..

  3. wow, so colourful and multi-shaped. lovely! Happy 2010!

  4. merryn: i m so happy that it can make u laugh.. yes, aaron is quite blur blur at times.. things he does make us laugh..

    Wenn: yeah.. pasta, i wonder whether i like it eat them or not..

    amy: yeah.. hahaha... wanted to share with u all..

  5. Hi rena,

    Wishing you a Happy New Year too... and Eeeks, penis balls pasta is so disgusting.

  6. spicymother: wanna join me for dinner? hahaha...

  7. Oops Fernie may have to skip that 'dog bones' and who else is under age Andy? haha

  8. They certainly don't look like dog bones. Haha :D

  9. ah! The pasta are so "cute"!!!

    That "dog bones" pasta don't look like "penis balls" to me, it's look like "music note" or "cherry" to me. hahhahahaha...*see how innocent i am.*


    Happy New Year to you, Andy, Aaron and Fernie! Have a fun pasta night. :)

  10. cheah: i bet fernie doesnt know that.. unless we tell her.. andy? he was the one who found this out! now i m thinking..whether to cook that or the other one... any idea?

    tekkaus: they dont? sure? :p

    annieq: hey, u r more creative.. yes, can be cherry hor..why are we so "chey" one... yeah, can be music note too hor.. maybe fernie will come up with another suggestion tomorrow.. hahaa..

  11. Haha..i didnt buy tht on purpose, just a grab a packet of each different shapes..didnt border to check the shapes..who knows Italy would be selling these as pasta's also..hahaha..joke of the year

  12. muahahahahhahaa....this is funny. wow, imagine if i get some and cook for ashley. what if she ask me what shapes they are... *pengsan*

    happy new year to you and all at home :) may you be blessed with good health, happiness and prosperity :D

  13. son: i know u blurry one.. hahaa.. anyway, they r also creative.. the italians..hahaha.. i wonder what other shapes they have.. u should hv get those funny shapes back.. :p

    barb: just tell her that they r music notes or cherries as what annieq said.. hahaa..

  14. From Italy? The pasta is so 'special'. When I go to Italy, I will surely buy this as souvenirs, better than keychains or fridge magnets huh?

  15. Hahaha.... oh dear, what a funny moulding shape! Well, it does made you day, at least!=D

  16. come I see it like small scissors?...hihihi!

    Hey, Happy New Year 2010 dear!!

  17. hmmn...dun think I want to try the 'penis' shapes stuffs.... eeekkk!

  18. Hummmm... this is a good one. I had to laugh when I first saw the pasta shape! Ladies, you all should eat this kind of shape pasta when you are pissed at your men. Chomp chomp.... *growl* ahahahahaha! Eat in front of your men, and give them nasty glares... sure they dun dare to make you pissed at them anymore wan! Wakakakakakakakaka....

    (I should change my name to evilfairy bad!)

  19. That was 'interesting' item you have.. ;-p

  20. LOL..
    dog bones??!!
    it looks like....... SOMETHING! =D

  21. mingna: definitely..haha.. i m sure they will be happy to rec this rather than keychains.. when r u going?

    mylittlespace: i wonder how it taste like.. :p

    wyne: what else does it look like? maybe i have mistaken them for dog bones or penis..

    chris: gross, right? i wonder whether my kids want that for tonite or not.. :)

    cleffairy: hey, u better stop that chumping.. chris already feel so yucky, he might be shriveling in some corner now.. hahhaa... gross!!! btw, u wanna some??

    cathJ: dare to eat? :p

    ken: yeah...something interesting, i wonder how it looks when cooked..

  22. Wah! Got suggestive shapes somemore ah! If they want to sell here sure cannot - all will be banned! Haha!

    This really opens your eyes big-big and wide-wide!

  23. Omigawd! So gross!!! I won't wanna eat those. Imagine already cooked - soft...lembek, lembek.... Eyew...the mental picture! Hahahahahaha!!!!

  24. eaten oredi or not? quick eat for new year GOOD LUCK ar hahahhhahhaha HAPPY NEW YEAR

  25. Cheh... Chris is squirmy lah. LOL... cannot lawan me wan. Sure... I want them... but I want them raw and uncooked. I'll make a necklace out of those 'pasta'. And then horr, each time pissed with hubby, show him the necklace, and crush the pasta let him see.. mwwwahaahahahahaha! (Gone case liao)

  26.'re eating my bones and balls ! hahahehe

  27. henry: if sold here, i think will make good biz!! but as u said, sure ban one.. hahha..

    stp: i m also having 2nd tots, my sons might not want to eat them.. excuse my girl, she might be as blur as her bro too.. :p

    manglish: japan got or not?

    cleff: wanna join me for dinner tonight? elin is cooking the cheesey sauce for me.. hehhee.. a real italian pasta.. ok, tell me your address, i post enough for u to make necklace or shoelace.. u can step on them OUCHHHH!!!! your husband is knocking my head now!

    ah ngao: sure those belong to u? :)

  28. I'm sure it'll be a "special" dinner. ;)
    Happy New Year!

  29. @ Cikgu...*faints* soft, lembik lembik come this one be lembik? It's not old stock. Not yet expired.... LOL! I bet it's springy to eat! Claire sed gonna eat with cream sauce worrr.... YUMMMM!

    @ really gonna send me ah? Really? Wonder if it'll survive the snail mail... wokehh... i will give you my add! LOL...

  30. slavemom: i try to post it tonight.. anyone care to join me for this special dish?

    cleffairy: hey, sayang cikgu la.. dont tease him, girl.. yes, going to eat with the cheesy kind of stuff, cooked by elin.. dare to join me?

  31. The shapes of the pasta indeed cute and unique. lol!

  32. LOL... fat chance that the funny-looking pasta will ever make it to Malaysian market...

  33. hahaha, laugh out real loud:D
    Happy New Year^^

  34. sheoh yan: i was wondering what else they have over there :p

    mama mia: well, they can be dog bones ma.. right? or cherries.. why must we think otherwise? hahaha...

    kelvin: wow..very loud la!!! hahahhaa.. Happy New Year!! cheers!

  35. Go on feast yourelf a dog bone and penis balls dinner...hahahaha.

    dont pew ya

  36. Forgot to tell you, i will have a BBQ dinner tonite, and guess what instead of penis balls, i will have pig testicles for a feast...

  37. have yourself a wonderful New Year ,,my dear sister,,, take care now,, will be back on 1st of Jan 2010

  38. eugene, do remember to take some pics of your exotic dish.. i try to post mine too.. and enjoy your countdown dinner!

  39. eugene, do remember to take some pics of your exotic dish.. i try to post mine too.. and enjoy your countdown dinner!

  40. cleffairy sounded so garang there.. chomp chomp chomp in front of hubs.. lol..

  41. OMG!!! HAHAHA the pasta do like a "toot"..but you can think it as a scissor also because it does have a scissor's look, no?
    And of course, i want to wish you and your family a wonderful New Year 2010.. :D

  42. merryn: cleff sounded like one only... but i think she is a very soft hearted lady..hor?

    kadusmama: toot? that what it is called? toot toot... hahaa.. yeah, i think it is cherry la.. hahhaahahhaa..

  43. You'll hv appetite to put them into your mouth ka? lolz

    Blessed 2010 to your loved-ones and you! ^_^

  44. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, Aaron, Andy and Fernie...haha those ' dog bones' a good start for the year....mmmm with those yummy home cooked bolagnese sauce :p

  45. Lol! I thought he bought it on purpose and wah, so brave one, dare to give to the mum haha. I saw this same thing in Italy too... they have all kinds of shapes, you name it. If I remember correctly, boobs also got la ;-) Cannot imagine you all eating it tonite... not geli ar? Haha!

  46. Funny..... This one made me laugh this morning!!!! Thanks for visiting my blog. Please come back anytime. It's the time of year here when everything is drab and wintery that I enjoy hearing about the TROPICS.... Makes me yearn for the beach!!!!!!

    Come back to my blog anytime.

  47. gratitude: yes.. all went into our stomachs already.. yummy!!!

    elin: dog bones or not, all walloped!!! thank u so much for making it a success!!

    Betsy: sure, i will visit u back .. thanks for coming.. Happy New Year!

  48. All I can do after reading this is laugh!! Happy New Year!

  49. cheryl.. please excuse the pun.. hahaha.. new year mood!


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