Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Sweet Tooth...

Cakes!! I simply loves eating cakes, born with a sweet tooth, love anything that is sweet, yes! But at my age, I am controlling my intake, much I would love to, I try to take as little as I can .. but during this festive season, I really cannot resist.

Thanks to Elin and my friend, Florence, I have some of their home baked cakes... from cheese cake, fruit cake, sponge cake and the latest special carrot cake... yoooo.... I am now trying to fight off the extra calories... (STP, please forget what I said here.. hehehe... )

Great looking cakes, aint't they...
Din't manage to snap the cheese cakes though...
So what did u all eat during this festive season?
Mine were wholly sweeties.... hmmmm...


  1. lucky, got people giving you all the nice cakes *green with envy! LOL!!!

  2. All I want for Xmas is my two sweet teeth. Looks yummy, I can tahan a piece or two.

  3. Thank heavens I hv a slice of strawberry choc from Secret Recipe in the fridge. You juz made me crave for cakes! :)

  4. Not only your sweet tooth...heheh
    I am feeling to eat them also.

    Happy Holidays

  5. Cakes and chocolates are always my favorite from my childhood.But thesedays wine have taken place of them.


  6. stp: hey, u have christmas food, all i have were some sweet toothies.. hahaha...

    bananaz: make it 3 pieces! :)

    gratitude: i love SR cakes too!

    noe: Happy Holidays to u too!

    sourav: wine goes well with fruit cake too, right? or is it chinese tea?

    smallkucing: crabs? prawns? cuttlefish? i love those..

  7. Hi Reneclaire,
    Thank you for your kind comment...
    Have a happy new year!
    Grazia :)

  8. no wonder u gain so much weight ...LOL LOL..

  9. wenn: roasted turkey! yummmy.. a real christmas meal...

    me: for me, i simply love any cakes..

    grazia: welcome..happy holiday to u..

    chrisau: howboutthen!!! but compared to u, i can hide behind u la... hahhaa..

  10. MERRY CHRISTMAS, Claire! Hope you've a fabulous time with your family & friends. & also make sure you've lots of fun & food as well. Bless you all!
    Best wishes, Kristy

  11. And lastly, may all your wishes come true! Cheers.
    p/s. Is it included the Shogun??? haha...

  12. my little space: u too!!! teasing me shogun huh... hahaha... u really have a good memory.. thank you very much for your greetings..yes, hope my wishes come true and so do yours!

  13. How to make the birthday cake? i really want to make one...

    do you know to make it? teach me :)

  14. chvoon: u must go to elin's blog la.. and i m sure many other food bloggers have the recipe too.. i dont know how to bake a nice one la... :)

  15. Woww.. sweet stuff... a lot and a lot of food my fren.. ^_^

  16. Who doesn't like cakes? :p I want too.

  17. *SULK* u bad! Eat urself nia! Post up to me some! LOL...

  18. Tis the season to enjoy (and over-indulge is what I seem to do!). I made fudge for my husband's grandmother, haystack candies for friends as well as Oreo truffles. Now I am enjoying the gift of a plate of assorted cookies!

  19. Tis Claire... 26th Dec wud boxing day la. 4 years ago.. there's tsunami on 26th Dec... we should pray for those who were affected by it. =.=

  20. May i know what is elin's blog title :)

  21. I love cakes! And I have sweet tooth too! Last time used to buy Secret Recipe cakes a lot, now try to control myself! Haha!

  22. cath J: eat first .. worry later.. :p

    tekkaus: yes, my favorite too..

    cleffairy: hahaha.. i already posted them up.. not posted them to.. next time la.. we go for the real nice ones, ok?

    cheryl: yes, i also over indulged myself with sweeties this festive season...

    chvoon: www.elinluv's tidbits corner.. oh u can find it in my bloglist.. )

    foongpc: yes, i know u love it.. u always got them nice at cheaper rates too...

  23. I am a sweet tooth too. Craving now for a cake after seeing the pictures here...looks delicious...

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