Monday, January 18, 2010

At Hard Rock And Walking Tall

After dinner we went to the Hard Rock Hotel... my kids and Gab wanted to go and look see, look see... the last time I went was during the eve of the opening ceremony of the hotel.. this time when we went, the hotel was like in full swing.. live band at the lobby and it was actually very classic...

We were like "ah lians" and "ah bengs", Gabriel with his equipment, snapping pictures at almost every corner.. hehehee... even this pillar below was not left out... my girl wanted to take this picture badly.. know why????

well, it certainly made our legs looked so slim..
we looked tall, right?

a picture to remember Hard Rock by..
one day, we might come here to stay a night, yeah???


  1. Looks like you all had an enjoyable evening.

  2. Haha! If I am there, I will also snap away at anything and everything! : )

  3. foong will snap away at anything and everything anywhere! :D

    Yeah.. HRH... one day we will ALL be there :D

  4. patty, we surely did...more pics to come later...

    foongpc: that was what Gab did.. snapping many pics..

    merryn: hope he wont snap at anybody.. snap pics ok...
    so when...bila??? u organize?

  5. Eugene had a great plan dat day for us all to meet up there this year.. but... I don't think william will want to fly there again so soon.. :(

  6. EI!!!! YOUR nuff showing KOTEX advert ody leh!!! Fee weeett!!!!!! Congrats Claire.. click click :D

  7. hahaa...kotex?? my gosh... i dont think i need those :p

    eugene organising? cool.. where? hot rock? or rasa sayang eh...???

  8. HOT Rock?? Claire? Apa pikir lu? HOT Rock ah? I thought we talking bout HARD Rock leh.. Now become HOT and HARD pulaks!!! and then got all the rasa and sayang feelings.. hmm... lol.. solly.. my mind's corrupted abit at this hour of the day.. hahaha.. (my mind's corrupted ANY time of the day lah!)

  9. hahaha...lovely legs :P

    Like that I also wanna take photos at the pillar.

  10. wakakakaka *laughing till golekgolek after reading Merryn's comments re HOT ROCK*

  11. Now I know what you meant. Haha :D Really tall o.

  12. @Merryn... see... I know you wan... you, innocent? pls lohhhhh! LOL....I think i am more innocent than you. Ahahahahaha....

    @smallkucing, come we golek golek tgt! LMAO!

  13. @Merryn... see... I know you wan... you, innocent? pls lohhhhh! LOL....I think i am more innocent than you. Ahahahahaha....

    @smallkucing, come we golek golek tgt! LMAO!

  14. merryn: yes. twaswatisaid.. hot hard rock... if eugene were to organize, i believe he will arrange all that.. :p

    smallkucing: happy for a moment one.. longslim leggies..

    tekkaus: fooling around only like ah lians..

    cleff: u and merryn innocent?? that will be the joke of the year.. both of u 300gms 8 tahils..

  15. eugene to organise a 'hot hard rock' party???? fuiyo... dasyat... simply dasyat...

  16. Oh ya Claire - very very slim lah u ni...hehehe

  17. Haha...I liked the photo with the "slim legs"-I wished I had a mirror like that! And what fun you all seem to have together, you seem to be very adventurous.

  18. which hard rock is that? penang?? love the group photo!

  19. 2ma: yes in penang...:)

    cheryl: yes..slim legs like models..hahhaa..

    cath J: i also wan la..

    amy: first time in history, slim long legs..hahaha..

    merryn: i think our party will be super spicy hot too!!!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...