Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kitty, Smiley, Sweetie...

Hello Kitty... Hello Smiley...and Thank you, Sweetie for sending these to me by Fast Post...

When u asked me whether I'll be home on Monday, I know I will be getting some nice goodies.. hahahaa... My brother received this on my behalf and it was in his place till this morning. I quickly took from him and tore the paper off... (macam first time receiving pressie! :)

oopss...take pic first before stripping it off totally...

thank u, girl, for remembering that I love IKEA cookies..
now after this...
i will Hide Them First!!
(just kidding :)


  1. Why hide? Is there someone who will snatch those goodies from u?

  2. kelvin.. just a joke la.. just meaning to say they are very nice ..

  3. me very jeles lar hahahahahahah

  4. Thank goodness they arrived in one piece.. err.. four pieces.. Was afraid it will all hancur by the time they reach you :D Happy munching away Claire :)

  5. wow..so sweet! can i have some choco..joke!:-)

  6. where you hide? I will come and korek...hehehe

  7. manglish: no need jeles, u come back to malaysia, everyone here welcomes u with good food.. :)

    merryn: i will eat slowly.. maybe will last me till cny.. good!!

    veta: sure can, dear.. sharing is caring .. right?

    smallkucing: sure coming?? then i wont hide.. sharing is caring ma.. hahaha.. *quickly go hide biscuits first*

  8. aiyo..so old still hello kitty..LOL

  9. Hahhahahha... hide it...yeayyy... lol

  10. joe: appreciative..too..

    medie007: u come, i share..u no come, i no share.. hahaha...

    chris: yo...jeles ah... hahhahaa...

  11. How neat, Claire... I love to get presents... That is just so special!!!!


  12. Yummy...so sweet of Merryn. Enjoy your cookies. :)

  13. What a lovely gift! If I were the receipient believe me I would "tuck" the gifts away!!

  14. wWar...so good o. I want to eat that cookies too. :p

  15. Eeeeeee!!!! Merryn! how come I dun have wannnnn? *sulk sulk*

  16. Hi Reana, ha ha, you sure love all foodstuffs, huh?
    I must check this one out....though we have not visited Ikea here more than 6 years.
    Bet it tastes nice with iced coffee.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  17. Wah! So nice! Nobody ever sends me anything! Sulk! Sulk! LOL!!!

  18. superman: anytime, fly over!

    betsy: they r indeed special, no matter how small or big they r..

    sjb: did u taste any while u were here in Malaysia?

    gwen's mummy: she is a sweetie pie! hahha.. pie indeed..

    cheryl: both of us think alike.. lol...

    tekkaus: over here in IPOH, dont have, too bad.. '

    cleff: there u go again, *hands on hips* behave now..if u do, mama might buy some toys for u.. :p

    U.Lee: i m sure in toronto, there are much more tastier cookies everywhere.. i like the President's brand..

  19. stp: ok ok.. u have been harping about that many times.. i got the message.. write down a list of what u want and give me your address!!! LOL.... cikgu wor.. must oblige one.. dont play play.. hahhahaa..

  20. @ Claire... I'm too old for toys... unless you're buying me X-rated toys. Yeeee.... *piangz... pengsan!*

    @ Cikgu... you email me your address... when I go back hubby's hometown.. see the heong peah shop open anot, I'll buy them for you. LOL...but dunno the cookies will break anot once arrive Sibu. =.=

  21. Rei zeou ho la, got people sending you present some more, i jelos la (now we can tell Merryn,,,spelling mistake somemore hahahah)

    so happy for you, that only to show you are the most famous bloggie among us all,dont worry i shall topple you for the reign,,(dream on eugene, dream on eugene.hahahahah).

    On a serious note, you are indeed such a wonderful lady and i thank god for a friend like you,(got present for apple polishing or not? or do you need my address .hahahahahah)

    take care my sister,

  22. barb: sweet as she is, she has intention to fatten me up la.. hahaha.. but i no care.. wallop first....

    cleff: x rated ones, perhaps u ask eugene la.. penang more choices.. ipoh no have kinky stuff as far as i know.. *innocent face*

    eugene: weii.. moe kam leh.. tar kar hoe, also..hahhaa.. dont say i femes.. i no wan that.. all i love is to have frens online, offline, top line and the bottom line is, we are one big family!! Agree? ok, give me addy and stp too.. nanti i kena belasah lagi,, hahaha.
    btw, when is our big party bash??

  23. Oooo...I love opening pressies.... Happy munching on your biscuits.

  24. LOVE the cookies. The singoalla/ballerina series got new lemon flavor. very nice also. you should try =)

  25. I have not try any IKEA cookies before..

    Since there is a good comment, hmmm i got to give a try when i drop by IKEA.

  26. Was here..How are you doing??Would you mind adding my other blog www.babiesareangels.com? Please let me know so I can add you there too..God Bless!!

    Please update my url to www.vicyjeff.com also..Thank you

  27. Eugene deliberately put in spelling error there! lol.. :P I have Eugene's address! Anybody wants??? Going once, twice.. SOLD to that lady over there with the biscuits! :D

  28. @Cleffairy - Come to think of it, IKEA is far away from you oso eh? You want or not? Or you prefer X-rated toys.. that one I dare not buy leh! I go pet shop buy you a leash lah... Piaks!!!!

  29. @ STP - Can I have your address too? Wanna get better grade in skul... :)

  30. @Claire... actually, I agree with you. LOL... that Merryn ah, very evil wan. You know la... she wanna fatten everyone up so that next time we go out for meetup, she'll look like a hot bombshell! I know liao, all her tricks. I dun pakai X-rated toys. Mebbe Merryn wan?LMAO....

    @smallkucing.... wahhhhwahhhhh... sharp clawzzzz.... takut, takut! Come here, let mummy cut your fingernails for you. Sharp sharp liddat veli dangelous yunno?

    @Merryn...lol... I think... IKEA quite far from me kot? I never go before. *piaks* LOL...You wanna buy leash ah? Buy leash for my cat lah! I got cat wan ma. LOL... she's very clever wan. LOL... on a serious note... really looking forward to meet up with you one day. But if you're thinking of fattening me up... that one cannot wan... cuz no matter what i eat, i cannot grow big wan! *grinz*

  31. Hey Claire, I'm back! Haven't been catching up much on blogs - been too occupied with stuff here lately. Just read some of your latest posts - my condolences on the loss of your FIL - a bit belated, i know - so sorry.
    On a brighter note, I didnt know u like Ikea cookies, hehe ;-)

  32. wow...so sweet of Merryn. See, famous blogger sure got different treament, can always receive parcel and surprise goodies. :) So envy and jeles. hahahaha

  33. mNhL: yes..esp the thin thin ones.. u will keep on biting endlessly!

    smallboar: got lemon flavor too?? HEY ALL OF U OUT THERE! GOT LEMON FLAVOR LA.. *tip of the day* hehehe..

    mommyling: got lemon flavor too, just in case u didnt see the above comment :)

    vicy: i add u when i reach home.. right now, cannot.. blocked-ed.. thanks!

    Merryn: wah..eugene's address have to be bidded ah? ok, i give one piece of ikea cappucino biscuit.. oh, on 2nd tots, i start off with the paper wrapper first.. :p

    Merryn: cleff and stp's message, *i buat tak tahu* next time pay some toll here first..

    cleff: yo! both of u.. i dont care la... u or merryn, sama sama gorgeous, so jeles I!!! as long as i walk a distance behind both of u, then at least got a bit of chance ppl looking at me.. if sama pace, sure lose out FLAT! I better walk with STP... so u (C)..u (M).. both of u walk behind E..ugene, behind a hot hard rock person, both of u will look great!! Cleff in her kinky tools and Merryn in her leopard attire.. WOW!! what a wild night! hahahaha.....

    raynebow: welcome home.. any souvenir for me or not from Greece/Athens.. or wherever u went.. hahaha..
    Condolence accepted! will catch up with your blog too..

  34. annieQ: lets not be jeles nor femes... we r one big FAMILY ma.. one day, i go cari u in KL... cos i know u cook terror one!!! hahaa.. steamboat please!

  35. wei wei wei...claire, that is Elaine not me. hahahhahahah i don't know how to cook!! hahahhahaha. Make sure you come KL you call us, we will prepare yummy food for you, but main chef will be Elaine la, not me, i can be the assistant only.

  36. haha, i'm a big ikea fan. from their cookies to the furniture, to the food in the food court, to the nursery they prepare for the children, to their no plastic system and....... their buildings shape and color? @.@ *wat loads of craps from me*

  37. annieQ: a thousand apologies *turned head like the one in Mind Your Language* plase forgive me.. ok ok..annie Q is with a pair of twins, elaine is amber's mama.. i must write this 100 times to remember!!! ok, back to the cooking, sama juga.. both also good chefs.. i think many of us would love to come.. eugene is organizing, so what say u all?

    smallboar/bigboar: i love ikea too.. i love their furnitures, when i go there, i wish that my house is new and tat i m there to pick up new furniture..hmmm....

  38. hehehe... hide till CNY ah? so your anak anak can eat is it? Merryn so thoughtful you know... she keep asking me, this is the one Claire blog abt ah? must get for her... see, so nice of her..

  39. @Claire... your otak needs to be basuh liao. You mix around with me and Merryn too much. Brain got corrupted liao! Tsk tsk tsk....wud kinky tools? LOL...and Merryn in leopord attire? LOL... I think people see oso pengsan lerr! ahahahaha!

    @Annie.... weii.... I oso wan steamboat. *sulk*

  40. wei wei wei Claire.. you owe Annie and me Ipoh kopi ya... for everytime you forget,, we tambah 'kau'
    pls bring along sin yoon loong coffee when you come KL ok ?? LOL !!
    eh.. what is eugene organizing ah ? tell me ,,, tell me...

  41. This looks very delicious, I want to try one of those

  42. cleffairy: hey, i guess u forgot how old i am now.. but on 2nd tots, maybe la.. i m easily corrupted one.. always facing the idiot box for so many hours, what to expect!!

    elaine: moe mun tai.. no problem.. come to ipoh and i give u kau kau one.. but i will only see both of u drink, i will opt for barley anytime.. sure will bring down the special kopi for u.. and annieQ.. and.. who else mau? *no response* ok, offer close! :p
    oh btw, eugene is organizing a blogger's meet in KL.. see jadi or not... hahaha..

    cynthia: so i must thank u also .. for showing and reminding her which box it is.. at least both of u can meet up often.. myself here in IPOH like very sunyi..

    headlice: all from IKEA

  43. @Claire... *blink blink* actually horr... I really forgets your age. you look like you're in your 30s onli. LOL...

  44. Me likey that Singoalla! Btw, IKEA is selling Swedish choc bars at a very cheap price. Go get some. :)

  45. So nice of Merryn to send you the Ikea cookies. Wah, you pai those cookies so stylo :D

  46. Ooo that is Ikea eh biscuits, I jz bought the orange flavor eh nia.

  47. I shall make this mandatory here, there shall not be any commentor after me here, you guys hear , this is about a man's pride here.

    i have tried any yes i have tried far too many times to be the 1st commentor here in Claire's blog, never succeeded,so i demand that honor for you guys, yes, LET ME BE THE LAST COMMENTOR in here.

    Please leave here without leaving comment,ok.

    hooray, history is made

  48. I better book any LAST here, to be safe, otherwise, first tak boleh jadi, Last also tak boleh jadi, sakit hati lah

  49. cleffairy: u deserve a sweet!!! or a choc *wink* making me happy for a few seconds here.. LOL...

    gratitude: chocs too? oh, i better skip chocs for now.. son brought back lately... :p

    healthy mama: got stylo hor? hahaa...

    amy: orange also i got.. yeh!! i eat slowly.. first.

  50. So nice of Merryn... yummy cookies :-p

    Hey, I sent an email to you... go check, ok :-)

  51. eugene: u remind me of my God, The Alpha and The Omega, The First and The Last...hahaha....see, tak jadi la.. hey, dont talk about me, i also cannot comment in your blog as the 1st one liow..

    Boeyjoey: yes, i will reply soon.. :)

  52. I'm not really a fan of chocs tho. But i'd be grateful if you can give me some of Elin's sandwich. Ahahahahahahah! OMG... her sandwich is to die for!

  53. Forgot to tell you sister Claire, i am very tenacious one, i am determined to be the last (the omega) commentor here in this post of yours kekekekekekek

  54. Yum...going to hide them and eat them all on your own?

  55. hahaha... eugene..not my fault, ok?

    lynette: just kidding..hahhaa.. my kids seldom take this type of cookies.. i only love them.. :)

  56. That good ar the biscuits until have to play hide? I see them so often (cos Ikea is our 2nd home haha) yet never tried before. Hmm, this weekend will go grab some :-)

  57. chloe: ikea should pay us to advertise!! hahaha..

  58. Now now.. I think I'm too late here dy.. but now only I realised.. ME in leopard attire??? Apa nih????


  59. amazing things thanx

    Also welcome you!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...