Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Marriage Day

Two affairs differently related.. One in cloud nine whereas the other in a sad condition...

The one in cloud nine are two happily married couples.... their marriages are not "itchy"... in fact nothing is wrong, just that the man from couple A likes to date the lady in couple B. Life is bliss for both of them.. come what may, as long as they are happy just looking at each other...
Isn't marriage life funny at times?

The second scenario is about a man clinging on to two ladies, one his wife and one his girlfriend. He doesn't want to lose both, neither does his girlfriend wanted to let him go too. Wife is in dilemma.. should she divorce her husband or should she stick to him for as long as she lives? When she thinks of the money he has, she doesn't want to let go.. but when she thinks of his two timing ways, she wants to sign the papers soonest!
Isn't marriage stressful at times?

Moral of story: A happy marriage doesn't mean that husband and wife will be faithful to one another at all times.. but then...
here is an example of a happy marriage...

How many of us can have this 50th year anniversary
and still loving each other???


  1. I dont think i can share my man with another woman.

  2. Hello there ReanaClaire, thanks for visiting recently.

    I have thought about this question before. That why men just can't help being itchy most of the time haha! 1.Perhaps they are looking for excitement, 2.perhaps they are sex addict (like Tiger Wood), or 3.perhaps there are just too many women of his kind around.

    I reckon most probably reason #3 fits best. Let say a Chinese couple move to Zimbabwe. All the ladies are all black black lah. Then that Chinese man will definitely not look for a woman there. So, that husband will be faithful all the time :o) hahaha! Just for a laugh. Though I think it makes sense to me.

    Thanks again for dropping by.
    PS: Love your food blogs. They are making me hungry.

  3. smallkucing: no woman would love to share.. sometimes no choice..

    ai shiang: thanks for hopping over.. i do get the meaning.. yeah! hey, dont blame only the men.. we ladies are the culprits too ... :p

  4. Ours will be 55 this coming July. And sure there have been a few times when I have felt like hitting him up side the head with a skillet and I'm sure he has felt the same. But we both know that neither one of us has ever cheated on the other. Mainly because we did and do love one another and never had any reason to want to. Of our five children, three have been divorced, one of the three has been twice. One was thinking about it, but changed her mind and another never married but has had a partner for 12 years. So a Father and Mother being married 50 years or longer does not mean their children will be.

  5. i think only when it happens to the victim, the person concerned can understand, or forced to accept the situation.

  6. Oh.. I'm looking forward till this day if I'm lucky enough! I do believe in faith. I've seen just so many... god gave them wealth & a perfect home but in return god taken away something in exchange. And some, god gave them a child that they've been longing for and taken away the wealth. There always someone doing something up there!

  7. wah...some serious posting from you finally..hahaha...I thought this is cleffairy's blog!
    Well, nowadays it's not easy to maintain a marriage where money and lust are the greatest obstacles.

  8. OI! Why lah? Why you and Eugene post this kind of topic lately lah??? But I have the HELP that is needed for this kind of scenario Claire. I have just posted it in my blog. It's a questionnaire and people with this 'itchy-ness' should try it :D

  9. wow, 50th year of marriage.what a blessed. I think love will be forever esp. when you put God in your relationship.
    Nice post Claire..thans for sharing.

  10. Hhmmmm...I have been divorced having survived a very bad marriage and have since been happily remarried.

    I do strongly believe in sticking out in a marriage but if there is no more love or things just better off apart, then the last option is divorce. I really hate divorcing as it felt like I did not try hard enough. Well, that was what ex used to make me feel but again, I strongly believe in LIFE PATH.GOD KNOWS BEST.


  11. fiction, right?
    It is funny to think and read about troubled marriages, when it comes to reality, it could hurt badly...

    I like the style your story is told,
    simply language, elegant job.

  12. i wish i can..... but wait i need to get married first lolzzzz ;)
    thanks for dropping by ^_^

  13. One woman is already giving me a huge headache. LOL :D I will never ever betray my wife. If I have the time I would rather do what I love. :p

  14. I'm only halfway there... Btw, who's the couple? Your parents? And how come you never mention your hubby in your blog (or maybe you did in your early-early posts, then I wouldn't know). Marriage is giving and forgiving...or else it will never last.

  15. patty: u r really a humorous lady! knocking his head with a skillet.. ouch!! anyway, your marriage has been good, that is all that counts.. God's blessings for a healthy marriage.. 55 years is a long time! :p

    tuti: yes, we r not in the position to judge.. the needle that poked that person, he/she feels the pain...

    chrisau: so u better sang sing, huh.. wife is for keeps... no eye washing too! hahhaa...

    mylittlespace: i do believe God only gives us the best, it is only we humans who make the wrong choices... What He knows we could endure, He allows it to happen..

    Merryn: not u too! i just read your post.. i posted cos i felt the urge to.. now it was off my chest.. phew!!

    wengss: hope yours will also be as blessed!! :)

  16. shakira: sorry to hear that but happy to know that u r now much much happier now. I always say this.. Close the door behind u and open the next door.. or close the old chapter and start reading a new one.. keep the good memories!!

    Ji: no fiction but some facts of life! thanks for the compliment..

    santhy: but it it true..

    manju: all the best to you.. tell me when your wedding bell rings! :0

    tellaus: wisest thing I ever heard.. one wife is good enough, YES... but no "mistress" too, ok? hahahaha... just joking!

    STP: the couple is from my cell group who celebrated their 50th anniversary last weekend, it was a surprise for them, their children arranged the party.. so blessed!
    my hubby? oh, i mentioned him few times..yes.. fyi, he has gone to our Lord 13 years ago.. if he is still around, our marriage will be 24 years!! wow.. time flies.. sigh..

  17. 50th anniversary!!! wow!!! your parents ka?

  18. Well I was married for 22 years when I divorced and it was a long, hard journey to that point. I never ever thought it would happen to me. Now I am very happily remarried and give thanks each and every day that I had another chance at happiness. And to be wed 50 years is wonderful!

  19. I dont think i can make it to my 50th anniversary,for by then i would be 80 years old,,,,so i look forward to this year anniversary and the next and the next and the next untill it slips away.

    I am always intrigued with why people divorce, weren't they lovers
    didnt they say i cannot live without you, you are my moon,my sun and my everything.

    why things change after marriage ?, i guess this is a subject by itself,we learn from elementary to university in marriage.

    True story of a lady friend of mine, she divorced her husband because her husband suffered pre-E, things can be solved she reckon but the husband's pride refrain him from seeking medical attention, after 11 years of marriage she could not take it, file for divord ,viola she is happily married now.

    You see, there is really no wrong or right as far as love is concerned,,,,,,,take care,,,

  20. Too much for me to say. But... one thing should be kept in mind. While marriage is made in heaven, we are on earth. It takes two to work things out. And one have to remember that growing old together is a privilege, not a burden. And like Tekkaus would say... "TAK NAK" to infidelities.

    @ Chris... walao.... say me until so bad liddat.... *grumbles*

  21. something fishy going around bloggers... hmmmmmmm

  22. 2ma: no la.. my church members

    cheryl: most important thing, u r happy now! nver mind the years, take each day as if u r still newly married.. :)

    eugene: what u said is very practical.. each day is like a blessed year.. treasure the moments together and not take each other for granted.. how i wish i could turn back the clock..

    cleffairy: good Tak Nak to infidelities.. hahaha.. u tot of anything, girl.. very creative mind. Many said marriage is a journey to walk along together, the roads can be smooth and at times rough.. hahaha..that is all i can say.. Happy Journeying!!

  23. rachel: u smell something fishy? where..where.. i m all ears here.. very 8 one..

  24. rachel: u smell something fishy? where..where.. i m all ears here.. very 8 one..

  25. Hey...I want to be happily married to the man I said Yesss to. And remains faithful no matter what, even if a handsome and rich knight comes charging in....LOL! got it?

    Like the couple above :)))

  26. Marriage is sometimes really stressful,but if both can bertolak ansur then it is really blissful. It is really nice to see those old loving couple, just like my parents. :-)

  27. elin: *wink* i know u will and i know yours will last till eternity.. :)

    mNhL: happy to hear that.. let them be an idol couple. :0

    vicy: thanks..same to u too.. God Bless!

  28. All along, I know I cannot share my man with another woman. That's it. End of discussion.

  29. Hi Claire...well, that's a romantic elderly couple :)

    Well, I'm not going to look towards being 50 - gosh, i don't even know if I'd live tomorrow!! But looking on the bright side, let's all have a long, happy, married life.

  30. Hi Claire...well, that's a romantic elderly couple :)

    Well, I'm not going to look towards being 50 - gosh, i don't even know if I'd live tomorrow!! But looking on the bright side, let's all have a long, happy, married life.

  31. I was only 18 when I married and we will be married 31 years in March...I just grew to love him more and more...no sharing here:)

  32. wow..elderly yet still romantic. Happy anniversary to the couple. :)

  33. familyfirst: me too. if and when i have! :)

    cathJ: yes, they r beautiful..

    kev: u got too excited that u clicked yr comment two times? hehee.. ok ok, i know u r...

    lynette: great sharing.. God is blessing both of u.. most happy to hear that esp u married at the age of 18..

    mama mia: yes, both of them are very caring towards one another.. i know them for years now..

  34. To me, you get married just to have children, if not why bother getting married? : )

  35. @foongpc... not everyone get married to have children. There are some people who gets married because of companionship and for the fear of having to live a lonely life. Not everyone gets married to have children. Some love goes deeper than merely to satisfy the need to reproduce. Let's say you get married, and your wife can't give birth... den wud? Divorce her? That's rather shallow to me.

  36. Life is complicated and so is marriage.

  37. foongpc: might as well get a surrogate mother..hehehe.. no need to marry also..
    marrying to one another means both man and lady love each other and wanted to stay together legally, whether they want to have children or not is another matter.. :)

    cleffairy: give me a high 5... *plak* yeh!!!

  38. My Mom once told me that a wife could tolerate the vices of a husband ie gamble, drink, smoke, murder and even the occasional ONS...but can never forgive her hubby having another woman. Is it true for you?

  39. a beautiful picture of happiness.. i wish we will live to celebrate our golden anniversary as well :)
    cherrrrrss :)

  40. rose: actually not complicated.. through an understanding of both partners, a marriage is simple.

    gratitude: for this moment, i dont think i can accept my spouse having another woman.. but then when we have aged, i m not so sure whether i will resort to divorce or not.. if i m still young and looking good, i will surely separate..hahaha....

    nc: yes, hope many couples would too..

  41. sigh... marriage... can be such a wonderful, yet at the same time, a scary thing...

    i'm still so young in this marriage thing, still so many more years to go... not sure what to expect... hopefully it'll be a happily ever after, of course =)

  42. yanz..dont worry so much about it.. live each day happily and treasure each other..

  43. 50 years? in love? that is the ultimate dream. congratulations!!!

  44. i cant quaranteed to anyone or to myself i stick with my wife forever.anyday,next week or even tomorrow i might meet my "dream of my lifetime's dream" and then younno lah.my wife,she's also a human and who knows - vice versa.at times,i think if theres any affairs,sometimes it can works out fine in the end, when either party just "cheats" each other for a period of time and then things just heals up automatically - it happened.i witnesses such case and that happened to my uncle and aunty.at the end,they got back together.of coz,it may not works for everybody.

  45. marriage has its ups and downs n it's always best to give and take.

  46. @ Claire... yeah, high 5. You're so right. If it's just a child you desire and not the mother, ur better off paying the surrogate and tells the woman to buzz off.

    @Gratitude... I agree wif your mum.

  47. shadow: yes., congrats to them.. not me! hahaha.a..

    ah ngao: of course anything can happen but if u dont harbour that feeling in u, then u wouldnt even think of it.. a marriage needs effort from both parties.. well, tough but that is how it is! :) hope u pak tau to loe!

    wenn: give take and there will be less divorce..but see what to give and what to take also :)

    cleffairy: or adopt one and buzz off? hahahaha...

  48. In reality, life is never as beautiful as we expected after marriage. That is why many couples choose not to get married nowadays. For those happily couples, the are very blessed.

  49. Hello ReanaClaire. How interesting to see my parents' photo on your blog. Looks like you missed the actual kiss too! My son who was also snapping away missed also =)

    Marriage has not always been smooth going but it is a commitment. It is more than a contract, it is a covenant. For the record, my husband and I have been married for over 27 years, and each year has been better than the previous one.

    Blessings =)


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