Thursday, January 7, 2010

Master Q In Penang

During my days as a kid (decades ago) Master Q comic books were everywhere, in book shops, hair saloons, clinics and even libraries, I still remember that I used to read them whenever I was in my auntie's house because she had lots and lots of them there. Though I am a "banana" (illiterate in mandarin), it never stopped me from flipping over the pages and enlightening myself with Lau Foo Zhi. But now... I don't read them anymore.... I doubt age has anything to do with it cos I still love to read Shin Chan and the Archie comics.

Anyway, back to the topic... while I was in Penang some time ago, this Master Q and Big Potato were on stage in Queensbay Mall... so without hesitation, I snapped and snapped like a small kid reminiscing those happy days....

cute, ain't they...
I wonder whether kids nowadays like these comics or not..
I guess they are not so popular anymore...


  1. I didn't know his name in English is Master Q, I only know his chinese name haha! I recall reading them during class, or even borrowed them from friends. Not paying attention during lessons, bad!

  2. LOL...when young i also gila this Lao Foo Tze. Always buy from pocket money. That time was 70sen or rm1 per mag. Got a whole load of them . Had to chuck it when we pindah :(

  3. Give you Shin Chan you lagi happy kan? lol..

  4. ya, he was indeed a funny man!

    I cannot "read" Master Q but looking at the pictures, HILARIOUS.

    I am still into comics. Rather like RICHIE RICH.Ah....the good old days...


  6. they now sounds a bit ' ah beng' kinda comic..haha... folks prefers Jap manga now.

  7. Ha ha, once a while I still read them while visiting the hair saloon!

  8. Hi Claire! Ain't too late yet to wish you a Happy New Year:) Came here to pick up the pieces and check for updates. One of my resolutions is to get serious with blogging and find time to visit my links *fingers crosssed*.

  9. Hahaha :D So cute. Now you suddenly make me wanna read their comic again. Where did I put it?

  10. I still like comic. Still read Sailormoon, Dragonball and Doraemon. My all time fav!

  11. ah shiang: not paying attention still u can score... not bad!!

    smallkucing: really.. so cheap only! now u sell back also got a bit of money i suppose.. at least sell to me... hahaha...

    shakira: so u r also a banana? yeah, me too..look at pictures only...

    chrisau: i remember yr mama has lots and lots of them!! do u know?

    merryn: hey, andy gave me one for christmas happy, yeah!!

    wenn: the big potato too!!

    pete: hair saloon still got nowadays? those days yes!

    marie: hey, thanks my friend.. ok, me too.. u take care.. i come by too..

    tekkaus: i think u left them in the toilet!! heheheh...

    cleffairy: u too??? anything goes? but nowadays i prefer archie and shin chan la... hey, how about beano and dandy? i wanna buy them if available.. any info?

  12. yeah...i grew up wif master Q dad refused to let me buy them last time wen i said i wanted to buy a "book" haahahhaha and we went to the shop and i show him master Q comics hahahahaha den i can only read them whenever i found them like in a barber shop or my cousin's house

  13. i used to read master q too, especially when my mum goes to the saloon for her hair perm. but i dun read it anymore

  14. I used to love the Archie comics as well, many years ago!! I think its wonderful you got to see your favorites in person.

  15. manglish: now i m wondering why barber shops or hair saloons have master Q books.. keep us entertained and remain oblivious to the surroundings, i guess..

    2ma: yeah, me too..seldom read them anymore..

    cheryl: i love beano and dandy too..wonder where to get them now..

  16. ooooooooooo i thought Master Q was lau fu zhi....

  17. Hhaaahahah... My fav comics too... YOu dont have to know how to read in chinese to read this book... it will certainly make you laugh anyway... hahahhaha..

  18. rachel: master Q is not lau foo zhi meh? oh... am i wrong again?

    cathJ: yeah.. same like u.. look at pictures only.. hahahhaa...

  19. favourite comic when I was a kid. Hubby got loads of them in the cabinet.

  20. hey, i am a fans of Master Q too!! i think you don't really need to be able to read chinese to go for the comics, the drawings themselves are already bringing out the message.. :)

  21. hey, i am a fans of Master Q too!! i think you don't really need to be able to read chinese to go for the comics, the drawings themselves are already bringing out the message.. :)

  22. ei, so nice to see them again, long time doesn't heard about them's such a good activity

  23. haha...nowadays the mangga has become more popular than Master Q already...hehe...not much people read these comics anymore. huhu...

  24. LMAOOOOOOO... Claire.... u made me laugh like mad lah. LOL... I received your package... *hugs* Thank you, so, so much. LOL...go read my blog. Ahahahaha!

    oh... I dono nething bout those comics you mentioned. LOL....

  25. mNhL: wah.. next time yr husband's comics will fetch good price.. :p

    sk: u r very right.. the picture paints a thousand words.. hahaha..

    hazel: yeah.. i heard there r some english version on these comics too..

    gab: what is mangga??? i never heard of that la.. paiseh.. :)

    cleffairy: u never heard of beano comics??? yo.. there were the best.. dennis the menance.. i can remember him too well.. he is extremely noti..

  26. AHHH!! I like Master Q, when i'm young i always read the comic, and i think they got CD also with the story, but i still prefer reading.

  27. Hi...loved this post.Thanks a lot.This post took me back to my childhood days.Loved reading comics and Master Q was one of my favorites.Thanks for the pics too..very colorful ones.

  28. Master Q and Big Potato ---> i am thinking so hard, dont know who are they..
    hahahah.. now i know...
    lou fu zi and dai fan shu.. hahaha..
    i still like them, but i prefer doraemon and sin chan more la.. haha

  29. if u go any hair salon, those like been there for long time de wan, sure u can find lau foo tzi's book lying somewhere!


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