Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Last Minute Preparation

It has been quite a long while since I last cook, since my FIL's demise, we were eating out, really didn't have the mood to cook. Last evening upon coming home from office, I was still contemplating whether to cook or not to cook. I ravaged through the fridge and found some not-so-fresh cabbage, a long white carrot, a slab of pork meat, 5 pieces of cooked ham, 3 eggs...

With all these ingredients, my simple dinner for 4 persons were laid on the table in an hour or so... Gabriel was our guest for the night and thanks to him, these snapshots were taken.. :p

our simple dinner....

my not-so-fresh cabbage....

cooked ham with 3 eggs...

stewed pork with white carrot
cooked with plum juice & tomato sauce...


  1. simple meal also so fast come out 3 nice dishes ah.

  2. wow! you are good... last minutes also could prepared such a nice dishes ... *Two Thumbs Up*

  3. home cook food is always the best :)
    *thubs up to u*

  4. Ur dishes look yummy..home cook food still the BEST...:)

  5. small kucing, tot for everyone to laugh one esp merryn and cleff :)

  6. tz, rachel, mummy ryan, thank u :) simply cooked. Ha ha. These are not for biz.

  7. You have been awarded.
    please go to:


  8. home-cooked food is always the best!

  9. That looks nice to me. Sometimes simple meals like that is also good. Yummy. Like the stew pork with white carrot. Think will be nice.

  10. Not bad Claire, you can dish out these meal in a matter of an hour. :)

  11. Somehow ur simple looks better than my ordinary home cook food!!!! Your anaks are lucky claire :D

  12. @LoL-ed so hard at Merryn. Real anot? Wait til u see my cooking. Looks like lapsap!

    @Claire- why would I laugh lah... your cooking more or less looks like mine. Ahahahahaha! This entry is more like for Elin and STP to be somewhat Simon Cowell-ish... or maybe like Randy Jackson! Wowwww! Imagine that! LMAO... Food Idol!

  13. Looks like you worked some miracles with what little you had in the frig.

  14. Wow! 3 dishes is already a feast in itself! I'd settle for even a single homecooked dish ^_^

  15. If my hand can go inside the screen... I already tarik 1 daging from your plate...nyum nyum.nyum.. heheheh

  16. hi Claire...sorry for not comment anything for awhile...been busy..kejap JB, kejap Lumut, next week in Ipoh then Penang...miss homecook food long never cook liao...and looking at the photos...i already lau how sui...

  17. Simple but definitely looks yummy. Home cook food is the BEST!!!!

  18. Lucky Gab! Can get to taste your cooking! Ah...can cook white carrot like that? My missus always cooks soup with pork sick of it liao! Think there's one big one in the fridge...

  19. shakira: thanks..i go in awhile...

    wenn: sometimes la.. sometimes eat out also nice..

    superman: that one is hakka dish..

    stp: that one is hakka dish.. can cook with pork ribs too.. put more dried chillies, plum sauce, tomato sauce... i learnt it from my in laws...

  20. shakira: thanks..i go in awhile...

    wenn: sometimes la.. sometimes eat out also nice..

    superman: that one is hakka dish..

    stp: that one is hakka dish.. can cook with pork ribs too.. put more dried chillies, plum sauce, tomato sauce... i learnt it from my in laws...

  21. You did a fantastic job with what you had for ingredients! It all looked very delicious.

  22. mandy: yes, i notice u long time no comment is alright, no need to apologize, we have our own busy days one.. but yur moral support, i sangat appreciate!

    cheryl: seeing is not believing yet, u must taste them first.. hahaha..

  23. Those were so yummy!I've never had a good recipe for those before but it looks like I do now! Incredibly easy, too!

  24. bryan: they sure are easy to cook.. simple dishes only.. :o

  25. Nothing like home cooked food. Even the not so fresh cabbage look so fresh. Haha. One thing tho Claire, you know, somehow, homecooked food always taste better when you are not the cook. lol.

  26. mumsgather, i truly agree with that.. and they r even tastier if it is not in your own home but someone's else!!

  27. Though is simple dishes but all look so nice and i m sure is delicious.

    I also used to cook simple dishes especially during weekdays rushing back home after work. but i think is still make up a simple dinner,rite.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...